Why Set Goals? Setting Goals Effectively
Deciding Your GoalsYour Commitment to the SportThe first step in setting sporting goals is to decide your level of commitment to your sport. If you want nothing more than a bit of fun every now and again, then you should have different goals from someone who has decided to dedicate his or her life to achieving excellence in the sport.This decision about commitment will allow you to assess whether you 'own' the goals towards which you are currently working - do you want to achieve at this level, or are you being pushed by your parents or coach into a daily grind which you are not enjoying? Skills to be MasteredOnce you have decided your level of commitment to the sport, the next stage is to analyse either the sport, or the position you play in a team sport. Work out the skills that you will need tohave mastered to attain the level you want to reach within the sport. Understand what lies behind the performances exhibited by people operating at that level in the sport.Your Goals in LifeBefore you actually set any sporting goals, it is worth considering what your life goals are, sothat you can further assess your commitment to the sport in the context of your career,relationships, ongoing education, and other facets of your life. |