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Tuesday, February 18, 2025


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Ten Tips for Effective EMail

1. Think before you write. Just because you can send information fasterthan ever before, it doesn't mean that you should send it. Analyze your readers' needs to make certain that you are sending a message that will be both clearand useful.

2. Remember that you can always deny that you said it. But if you write it, youmay be held accountable for many many moons. You may be surprised to findwhere your message may end up. (As an example of What-Not-To-Do in Ellen Dowling's Writing Strategies class?)

3. Keep your message concise. Remember that the screen only showsapproximately one half of a hard-copy page. Save longer messages and formalreports for regular ('snail') or overnight mail. On the other hand, do not keepyour message so short that the reader has no idea what you're talking about.Include at least a Summary (Action or Information) in every E-mail message.

4. Remember that E-mail is not necessarily confidential. Some companies willretain the right to monitor employees messages. (Refer to #1 and #2.) Don'tsend anything you wouldn't be comfortable seeing published in yourcompany's newsletter (or your community's newspaper).

5. Don't FLAME your readers. It's unprofessional to lose control inperson; to do so in writing usually just makes the situation worse. (Refer to#2 and #4.)

6. Don't spam your readers. Don't send them unnecessary or frivolousmessages. Soon, they'll quit opening any message from you. (Refer to #1.)

7. DON'T TYPE IN ALL CAPS! IT LOOKS LIKE FLAMING! Remember, ifyou emphasize everything, you will have emphasized nothing.

8. don't type in all lower case (unless you re e.e. cummings). if you violate therules of english grammar and usage, you make it difficult for the reader to read.

9. Use the Subject line to get the reader's attention. Replace vague lines(Information on XYZ Project, or Status Report Q1) with better hooks: Exciting Career Opportunity, Serious Problems with the New Veeblefetzer, or Free Money.

10. Take the time to poofread your document before you sent it. Rub thedocument thru the spell checker and/or the grammer checker. Even simpl tiposwill make you look sloppie and damage you re proffessional credubility.


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