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Remembering Playing Cards

Once you are familiar with the Journey system, remembering the order of a pack of playing cards becomes relatively simple.

Before you try to do this, you should prepare a journey in your mind that has 54 stops. Ensure that the stops are fresh and firm in your mind.

The next step is fairly simple - what you need to do is have an image in your mind representing each of the cards. Counting an ace as 1, and the 10 as zero, you can create a picture in your mind of an image from the Number/Shape system for the numbers Ace - 10. For the jack, queen and king, the images on the playing card are ready-made mnemonic images. The suits similarly can be represented by the suit symbols.

For example, the two of hearts can be represented by a white swan with a red heart painted on its side. The ten of spades could be a hole with the handle of a spade sticking out.

It is a good idea to prepare all the images to be used beforehand, as remembering cards during a card game will have to be done quite rapidly.

As cards come up, associate the card images with the stops on your journey.



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