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Self-Hypnosis and Auto-Suggestion

What is Self-Hypnosis

Self-hypnosis is not a magical state. It is merely a state of mind in which:

  • You are very relaxed
  • You are paying complete attention to the suggestions you want to implant
  • You do not criticise the suggestions made, and accept them at face value.

Self-hypnosis is used to directly program your unconscious with affirmations and suggestions that would otherwise have to run through critical processes in your mind. You can use this programming as an effective method to reduce stress and induce relaxation.

Normal hypnosis is not normally effective in sports psychology as it requires the presence of a hypnotist. Self-hypnosis, however, is just as easy and has the additional benefit that you can completely control the inputs to your mind when you are in a suggestible state.

Hypnotising Yourself

The first few times that you use self-hypnosis, it is best to find a place where you can be undisturbed for a while. Sit or lie down, eliminate any distractions, and relax. This puts you in the best possible conditions for using the technique - however as you get more practice you will find that you can use self-hypnosis almost anywhere.

The first step is to relax yourself: close your eyes, and try using imagery of waves of relaxation running down your body from your scalp downwards, washing out stress. Let the waves run in time with your breathing, first washing down over your head, then your neck, then your torso, then arms, and finally your legs. Feel the muscles in your body relaxing as the waves of relaxation wash over them.

Alternative techniques can involve fixing your eyes on a spot on the wall, or riding down in a lift/elevator from the top of a tall building, slowly dropping down into relaxation and drowsiness. The method you choose to induce hypnosis is up to you.

The next step is to use suggestion to deepen the state. This is as simple as saying to yourself something like 'I am feeling relaxed and comfortable. With every breath I am becoming more relaxed and more comfortable.'

Once you are completely relaxed and focussed on your own suggestions, you are in a useful state of self-hypnosis. One suggestion you can usefully embed is that when you repeat a particular trigger word to yourself you will relax into this state.

As stated earlier, self-hypnosis is not a magical thing - it is just one of many things people have tried to make mystical to boost their own self-esteem and bank balance.

Suggestion and Hypnosis

Before you enter a hypnotic state it is useful to think about the suggestions that you want to apply in it. Suggestions can be simple affirmations that undo the damage done by negative thinking (see Thought Awareness, Rational Thinking and Positive Thinking), or can be used to make psychological adjustments or reinforce confidence to help to achieve goals that you have set..

Once you have decided what you want to use in suggestions, spend a little time working out a form of words for each suggestion that is short, positive, and powerful. Repeat this to yourself when you have reached a self-hypnotic state.

Effective use of suggestion can:

  • Build confidence
  • Reinforce goals by etching them into your mind
  • Reduce stress
  • Motivate and energise when you are feeling sluggish.

Suggestion can be used without hypnosis, for example you might make a suggestion tape to play when you are driving, while still wanting to remain alert. Using suggestion with self-hypnosis just makes it more effective.


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