Causes of procrastination Creating more time
Positive DelayOccasionally delay can be positive and useful:- When you are tired, upset or angry it can often be best not to tackle jobs that require sensitivity and clarity of thought.
- When you do not have the information or skills to do a job properly, it may be best to delay until you have acquired them.
- When there is something more important to do than the job being delayed.
Delay can also be useful in a situation where you feel threatened or are unhappy about any course of action needed to meet a crisis. By delaying in these cases you give time for more information to come to light to guide the choice, may see a different perspective that changes your view of the circumstances. Alternatively random occurrences may give you a useful advantage, or may reduce the severity of a problem.These positive aspects of delay must not, however, be used as an excuse to avoid action that is obviously essential. |