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Systems Management Server 2.0


Systems Management Server 2.0 is a fully functional client server management application that can be used for a variety of tasks which include: software and hardware inventory, software distribution, remote control, and software metering. SMS provides this functionality through site servers (NT server with SMS installed), site database servers (NT servers with SQL 6.5 SP4 or SQL 7.0 installed), and component servers (NT servers with components installed, ie. Client Access Points, or Logon Servers).



Requirements for SMS fall into 2 categories: software and hardware.


Software Requirements

  1. Windows NT Server with Service pack 4

  2. Internet Explorer 4.01 with Service Pack 1

  3. Microsoft Data Access Components 2.0 with Service Pack 1

  4. SQL 6.5 Service Pack 5 or SQL 7.0


Hardware Requirements

  1. 96 MB of RAM (Primary Server) 64 MB RAM (Secondary Server)

  2. 500 MB NTFS Partition

  3. 100 MB on the Boot Partition


Trust Relationships

When installing SMS 2.0 in a resource Domain, make sure the resource domain trusts the master domain, if you want to use an account from the master domain as the SMS Service Account.


SMS Service Account Specifics

SMS Service Account must be a member of Domain Admins as well as have the Logon as a Service right.



  1. You need 1 SMS license for every site you install. This license covers all components in the site even if the components are installed across several NT servers.

  2. You need 1 SQL Server license for the each Site Database server

  3. You need 1 SQL connection license for each SMS client as well as 5 licenses for each instance of the administrator console you want to run concurrently.

  4. The minimum number of license used will be 50



Upgrading to SMS 2.0 from SMS 1.2 requires extensive planning and preparation. You should be aware of the following issues when it comes to doing an upgrade.

  1. Upgrade all existing child sites to SMS 1.2 SP4 prior to upgrading to SMS 2.0. The SP4 upgrade includes functionality that makes SMS 1.2 interoperate with SMS 2.0.

  2. Always upgrade the organization from the top down. This means that the Central site should be upgraded first followed by child sites of the Central Site and so on.

  3. PDF files from SMS 1.2 will not be upgraded. In fact they will be deleted during the upgrade because the whole SMS directory is deleted and re-created upon upgrading. You should copy these to another directory outside of the SMS directory if you want to keep them.

  4. Queries will not be upgraded as well. You should export queries to a text file, if you want to keep them. Alerts and Site groups will be deleted as well. Site groups are now called collections.

  5. DOS, OS2, and MAC clients will be orphaned during the upgrade because these clients are no longer supported.

  6. You can use the Upgrade Secondary Site Wizard to upgrade 5 Secondary Sites simultaneously.

  7. The following compiles a list of what is upgraded and what is not




Software Inventory


Hardware Inventory


Machine Groups



Site Groups

Senders *1


Remote Video Driver Lists


Custom Architectures


SQL Server Views



*1 SNA senders will not be upgraded


Site Codes

Sites codes are three digit codes that can be made up of letters and numbers. Be very careful when choosing a site code. It must be unique and can not be changed without reinstalling



There are two ways to install SMS Server, Express and Custom. These two ways allow you to install Primary sites and Secondary sites, which make up the hierarchy of SMS which include Central Sites, Primary Sites, and Child Sites. When making the decision to install SMS using Express or Custom installation consider the following items

1. Is SQL Server going to be installed on the same machine? If yes, you can do either installation. If no, you must do a custom installation.

Express setup is one of the options you can use to install SMS 2.0. Express setup is primarily used for evaluation purposes and not production environments. There are many facts that you must remember when installing SMS using this option





Hardware Inventory Client Agent


Runs once a day

Software Client Inventory Agent


Runs once a day

Remote Tools Client Agent



Advertised Programs Client Agent


Runs once an hour

Software Metering Client Agent


Starts with a 240 Min polling interval

Event To Trap Translator Agent



Win Networking Login Client Install


NT Domain Specified only

Modify Win NT Login Scripts



Netware NDS Logon Client Install


No Logon points specified

Modify Netware NDS Logon Scripts



Netware Bindery Logon Client Install


No Logon points specified

Modify NetWare Bindery Scripts



Windows NT Remote Client Install


Only NT Machines

Windows Networking Logon Discovery


NT Domains specified only

Windows NT User Account Discovery


NT Domains specified only

Windows NT Group Discovery


NT Domains specified only

NetWare NDS Logon Discovery


No logon points specified

Netware Bindery Logon Discovery


No logon points specified

Heartbeat Discovery


Runs once daily

Network Discovery



General Express Setup Facts

1. When installing using Express setup all of the following components will be installed and enabled automatically

a. Logon Server **Only if installed on Domain Controller**
b. Client Access Point
c. SQL Server (Site Database)
d. Master Device

2. The following features are not installed and enabled by default with Express Setup.

a. Bindery and NDS discovery and installation
b. Windows discovery on non Domain Controllers
c. Login Scripts will not be modified automatically
d. Software metering role will not be assigned
e. Package Distribution Point Update

3. Express Setup will be grayed out if SQL server is detected as already installed

4. The following services will be installed and started automatically

a. SMS Executive
b. SMS Site Component Manager
c. Windows Management


NT Platform Specific Facts

When installing using Express setup all Domain Controllers in the domain will be automatically setup as login points and contain a share called SMSLogon.


SQL Server Specific Facts

Custom setup is the other option that you can use to install SMS 2.0. Below are the facts that you know when installing SMS 2.0 using the Custom option

  • General Custom Setup Facts

  • NT Platform Specific Facts

  • SQL Server Specific Facts




Alpha Site System Report



Crystal Reports



Netware Bindery Support



NetWare NDS



Network Monitor



Package Automation Scripts



Product Compliance Database



Remote Tools



SMS Admin Console



SMS Installer



SMS Site Server



Software Metering Console



Software Metering



SQL Server



*1 The Software Metering role will not be assigned automatically
*2 SQL Server role can be installed by setup or you

In addition to understanding the two methods used to install SMS 2.0. You must also understand fully the two types of Sites you can Install: Primary and Secondary.


Secondary Site Facts

1. Requires at least one primary site to connect to so it can transfer information via a local CAP to the Site Database.
2. Used when there is no local administrator available or wanted at remote sites.
3. Can be installed using two methods

a. Locally using the CD
b. If Connectivity exists between the secondary site and the primary site via the Secondary Site Creation Wizard.
c. Secondary Site Creation Wizard can be used to install up to 5 secondary sites simultaneously.
d. When using the Secondary Site Creation Wizard, you must manually setup the SMS service account prior to creating the package.

4. There are many restrictions to Secondary Sites

a. Can't contain child sites
b. No local SQL database can be used
c. Can only be administered through the primary site
d. Requires that the parent site be running SMS 2.0. A SMS 2.0 child site can not report data to an SMS 1.2 Parent Site.

Understanding SMS's Hierarchy can be one of the most frustrating parts of learning SMS. There are three parts to the hierarchy of SMS: Central sites, Parent Sites and Child Sites. This is also known as the SMS topology.

General Site Information

Create separate Sites for the following reasons

a. Slow WAN links
b. Different international languages
c. Clients require different SMS client settings (client settings are site wide and affect all clients in the site. If you need to set different client settings for some clients you must place them in another site.)

Since SMS 2.0 is dependent upon SQL Server, you must fully understand the impact of SQL server on SMS in relation to how it affects installation as well as its actual use.


Install SQL Server prior to installing SMS under the following circumstances

1. SQL will be on a remote computer
2. You want to create SQL devices on separate drives
3. You want to use integrated security
4. You want to control the location of the master device
5. You want to specify a non-default character set

There are three security methods supported by SQL server: Windows NT Integrated (Recommended), SQL Mixed, and SQL Standard.


SQL Installation Points

1. To get SMS to create the SMS database and log devices automatically you must use custom setup as well as install SQL server on the same computer.

2. The following criteria must be completed when you install SQL prior to running SMS setup:

1. Add the SMS service account to the local administrator group on the SQL server
2. Map the SMS service account to the SQL system administrator (SA) login ID
3. Create the SQL server devices (Database and log)

3. 100 KB per client is reserved when creating the site Database device

4. You can use the restore statement or the SQL Enterprise Manager to restore the SMS site Database onto a SQL 7 server.

5. SMS creates a minimum of 50 connections for various services, and five additional connections for each Administrator console run concurrently.

6. Each connection requires 37KB of memory on the SQL server

7. Truncated Log on Checkpoint is enabled by default. Meaning that you can back up the DB to shrink the log file.

Uninstalling SMS procedures involve different steps depending upon whether you are uninstalling a Primary site or a Secondary site.


Primary Sites

Run SMS setup locally


Secondary Sites

1. Run SMS setup locally
2. Run Secondary Site Deletion Wizard

When you uninstall SMS from a site the client will automatically uninstall within 90 days.



Moving SMS sites can be a very tricky process. You must follow several rules for SMS to continue to function properly.

  • Moving a Parent Site

      a. Always detach child sites before moving a parent site. If this is not done the child site will be orphaned. This can be done two different ways. Either by deleting the Secondary Site by using the Secondary Site Deletion Wizard or by deleting the site using the CD at the secondary site.

      b. Primary Site can be moved without deleting the site.

      c. You can move a Primary site by using the Admin console's Set Parent Site feature.

      d. Primary sites cannot be demoted to secondary sites or vice versa

  • Moving a Secondary Site

      To move a secondary site you must delete the site and re-install.


Moving Site Database

When moving the site database server you must re-run setup to point SMS to the new server.

Disaster Recovery with SMS can be very tricky as well. It requires several things for a successful transition. All of the following must be true

  • Must be installed on the Same Platform, ie. I386 or Alpha

  • Must be installed within the Same Domain

  • Must be installed as the same type of server, ie. Member, BDC or PDC

  • Must have the same drive configuration

  • Must have the same NetBIOS name


When backing up your SMS server make sure you back up all of these components

1. HKLM\Software\NAL
2. HKLM\Software\Microsoft\SMS
3. Site Database

    a. SMS Database
    b. Software Metering Database

4. Software Metering Database

To be able to restore your database up to the last minute of failure you should configure frequent transaction log backups.

SMS Sites can delegate roles to other servers within the site. This helps to offload the responsibilities and make SMS run faster and easier. There are five primary SMS System Roles that can be assigned

1. Logon Points - DC, NDS, and Bindery servers

a. Logon Points are used as a means of installing the SMS client.
b. Clients will use logon servers to retrieve a list of sites, CAP and logon scripts from the SMS logon share.

2. Client Access Points

a. Client Access Points provide the SMS client installation files as well as an intermediary point between inventory collection data and the SMS Software metering servers.
b. CAP's can not be shared between sites.

3. Distribution Points

a. Distribution Points provide the storage area for distribution packages.

4. Software Metering

a. Used to impose limitations on software via time, licenses or executables.
b. Can only be installed on NT Server 4.0 running SP4. No Netware servers can have this role

5. Component Server

a. Typically supports sites by running site senders. For example, if you add a new sender between two sites and install the sender on the SMS Site server, and notice a considerable slow down in performance. You could choose an NT Server other than the Site Server to function as a Sender server.


Administration & Administrator Console

You cannot use the Administrator Console to delete SMS 1.2 Secondary Sites

When you configure properties for the site, they affect everyone in the site. Properties are site-wide and cannot be set on a per client basis.



The Administrator Console is used to grant SMS permissions to Site objects.

Security can be set at the class or instance levels within the administrator program.

A user's effective permissions are the sum of the permissions assigned to the user, plus all permissions assigned to groups in which the user is a member.

The Administrator Console is used to determine distribution points.

You must be a member of the SMSAdmins group on both the SMS Site Server as well as the SQL server to open the SMS Administrator Console. You will also have to log into the SQL Server Database. You must also have access to the consoles, and WBEM rights on a computer configured with the SMS Provider.

To manage a Secondary site from a Primary site you must be a member of the SMSAdmins group at both sites.


Queries and Reports

To run a report SiteLocation.exe must be run to specify a default local account and configure the site database as the source of information.

When you create queries, they are automatically replicated down the topology to child sites.

Collections have replaced Site Groups in SMS 1.2. These collections can contain sub collections as well.

Before you can create a report, you must select a report object in the administrator console.

To use a report template created with Crystal Reports you must be given the Act As Part Of O/S right.



There are four types of discovery used in SMS 2.0

    1. Network
    2. Logon
    3. User & Group
    4. Heartbeat

You only need to discover clients prior to installation if you plan to utilize the Remote Client Installation component.

If the SMS Service account does not have administrator permission on the client, you should configure the Remote Client Installation account to an account that is a member of the local administrator group.

If you have specific clients within your site that you do not want to be automatically discovered, you should place these clients in another site. Do this only when you have clients who need to be segregated. Remember, site settings affect all clients within the site.

Use Network Discovery to locate stand alone servers, routers, bridges and hubs

For Windows 95 machines to be discovered using Network Discovery, they must be running File & Print Services or be DHCP clients.

When you install SMS 2.0 on a Domain Controller, all Domain Controllers are configured with the login point role. You must then modify the login scripts to automatically install the client on discovered computers. If you skip this step, the client will not be automatically installed.

You can not isolate specific Domain Controllers from accepting the role of login server. SMS 2.0 does not use the Directory Replicator Service to populate the SMSLogon share across Domain Controllers.

When clients are discovered with logon discovery a Discovery Data Record (DDR) is generated. The login script is run and the SMS client piece is installed.

When you are using Group discovery membership is only updated when you login.

User & Group discovery is required if you plan on using Software Distribution.

Heartbeat discovery is used when computers are not logged onto often. It helps to keep the DDR up to date for these machines.


Client Installation

All client settings are synchronized every 23 hours.

When an SMS client connects to a subnet that has not been assigned to a site, the SMS client software uninstall automatically.

Windows Management and APM are installed by the client software automatically. APM helps determine which software a client can run with the help of software metering.

You can prevent or make it user's choice to install the client software by selecting Computer Connects to the Network From Multiple Locations check box. This choice will be effective for 30 days.

You can install the SMS client manually by using any of these three executables

1. SMSMan.exe - 32 bit O/S
2. Smsman16.exe - 16 bit O/S
3. Manboot.exe - DOS

Only the following O/S are supported as RAS clients

    1. NT
    2. Windows 9X
    3. WFWG 3.11
    4. MS-DOS
    5. LAN Manager
    6. PPP enabled clients

When a client is discovered the following steps take place

    1. Assignment to a specific site
    2. Generate DDR
    3. Client Installation


Software Distribution

To target specific clients for software, use Collections

    a. Dynamic - Based off of queries
    b. Static (Direct Membership)

You can configure software metering to decrement an Office Suite license each time an individual application is used. To do this, you must register the individual applications with 0 user licenses each, and register the office suite with x user licenses, while configuring the individual applications as members of the suite.

To identify the distribution points for a child site before distributing software, use the SMS Administrator console, expand site settings for the child site, and right click Child systems. All site systems in the child site will be displayed.

Package access accounts can be used to control access to packages. The default package access accounts are Users, Guests and Administrators. Users and Guests are granted Read permission, and Administrators are granted Full Control permission.


Creating Packages Process

Create a package that contains the program. (Requires at least one command line program)

When package source files are being used, you must create a package source directory for the files, and you must designate the distribution points to which the package should be copied. When package source files are used, the package must be placed on at least one distribution point in each target site. When package source files are not used, a distribution point is not required.

When you refresh a package, you synchronize the package with the local compressed copy.

When you update the package, SMS synchronizes all of the compressed packages with the source files on the originating site.

Always use a reference computer to generate installer scripts and executable files. A reference computer should be identical to client computers.

Follow these steps to create and advertise a package (Completed automatically by the Distribution Software Wizard)

    1. Create package that contains the program
    2. Create a package source directory that contains the setup script
    3. Create an advertisement for the package

The easiest way to create an SMS installer executable is to use the Repackaging Wizard

You can use the SMS Status System to verify that a package was successfully installed on a distribution point



Based upon the client time zone information

If you use GMT as the selected time zone when creating an advertisement then all packages will be advertised simultaneously, but the time advertised will show up in local time.

By default, the SMS client checks for new advertisements every 60 minutes.

Time information is per advertisement specific



Are mandatory and installed automatically.



    Installation Expert

    Wizard that automatically creates an installation script based off of answers to the wizard.

    Script Editor

    Allows executable author to edit a regenerated script or create a script manually.

    Repackage Installation Wizard

    Creates a script by watching changes made to the system after the application installs.

    Watch Application Wizard

    Adds files not installed by the installation process, but are needed by the application to run.

    Software Patching

    Allows you to create an incremental upgrade executable installation file.


    Allows you to uninstall applications installed with the Installer executable.

    Roll back

    Allows you to uninstall and restore files and registry entries overwritten by a previous install.

    Media Selection

    Enables Installer to create a single executable or a set of files to be distributed via floppy

    Full SMS Support

    Creates SMS PDF and status MIF files

    ODBC & VB

    Adds files necessary to support these standards


    Allows you to test the custom install without installing it.



Software and hardware inventory is deleted automatically after 90 days of inactivity.

To cause inventory to be automatically taken on a client: Go into the Control Panel, open Systems Management. On the agent tab select Software/Hardware client inventory Agent and run.

Hardware inventory is provided through the Win32 provider as well as CIM

When a client logs on to a different domain in another site two things must happen for inventory data to be reported correctly

  1. The old data must be manually deleted.

  2. They must reinstall the SMS client

When inventory is collected from secondary site. It is reported to the Site Database via the following route.

  1. Secondary site client collects the data

  2. The data is sent to a CAP for the secondary site

  3. The data is sent to the Primary Site server to be placed within the site database.

Collecting inventory data can place a significant strain upon the network subsystem. Fortunately, there are three things that you can do to reduce this strain.

  1. Limit the amount of data collected at each client

  2. Specify a smaller combined size for files collected by the sites client computers (Use the Maximum Data Collected Per Client option.) The default is 1 MB.

  3. Reconfigure the software inventory to inventory less often.


Software Inventory Specifics

Sinv32.exe is the file used on the client that starts software inventory.By default this executable runs 30 minutes after installation.

You can optimize Software Inventory by decreasing the Maximum Data Collected Per Client.

You can verify that Software Inventory is running by checking the following log file on the client Sinv32.log.


Software Inventory Default Settings

  1. Runs every 7 days automatically

  2. Resynchronization will occur automatically when a corrupt record is detected.

  3. .SIC (Software Inventory Complete) and .SID (Software Inventory Delta) files are used by Software Inventory


Hardware Inventory Specifics

Hinv32.exe or Hinv16.exe runs automatically after 10 -15 minutes from client installation

You can verify that Hardware Inventory is taking place by looking for a status message within 60 minutes of client installation. This status message verifies the inventory is in progress or has taken place.


Hardware Inventory uses the following files

  1. SMS-DEF.MOF - Determines which hardware classes to inventory

  2. HINVDAT.HIC - Stores the inventory of the client locally, uses MIF formatting

  3. MIF - Used to specify additional architectures, classes, and attributes to be collected

    1. IDMIF - Used to add new architectures, ie. Printers

    2. NOIDMIFS - Used to add new attributes and classes, ie. CPU's

The default setting is to run every 7 days after installation.

Hardware inventory, if configured appropriately, can reach a primary site for a Secondary site within an hour.

You can enable a client to use the inventory report template by giving the user Act as Part of the O/S right.


Software Metering

The software metering client will automatically be installed if Software Metering is installed in the site.

Software Metering is not supported on the Alpha platform.

Netware clients must be able to connect to an NT server to be influenced by Software Metering.

By default each registered program is set with 0 licenses available, disabled license enforcement, and access is granted to everyone 24 hours a day 7 days a weeks.

The Software Metering Client has two modes online and offline. For Software Metering License enforcement to be effective you must be in online mode.

When a user is blocked access to an application because of licensing limitations, they will be given the option of a callback for thirty minutes. This callback functionality allows them to be notified when a license becomes available.

You can configure Software Metering where users who leave software idle for xxx amount of minutes will be prompted to close the applications so other users can use the license.

Software Metering allows you to restrict access to software in many ways

  1. You must check the Enforce License Limits For This Product check box

  2. You must have modify permissions for the site security object before you can turn on Software Metering Licensing limitations. In addition to this the Software Metering server must be configured, the Software Metering Components must be configured, The Software Metering Client must be installed, and the Software Metering Tool must be started.

  3. If you are in offline mode you can only control software access by time settings.

  4. Changing the name of the executable will not override Software Metering because it can read the headers of executables.


Remote Tools

There are many requirements for Remote Tool functionality to work correctly

    1. Install Remote Tools on the Server as well as the Remote Tools Client Agent on the client.
    2. Be a member of the local administrator group and have permitted viewer rights.
    3. To turn this functionality on all you have to do is Enable Remote Tools. Then wait for this to be replicated to the clients.
    4. For Windows 95/98 clients you can not specify permitted viewers, only NT.
    5. Remote Tools will only work for the following clients:

      a. Windows 9x
      b. Windows NT 3.51 SP5 or better

    6. If you are prompted for credential each time you try to remote control a client, you need to do the following:

      a. Make sure you're a member of the local administrators group
      b. Make sure the setting Client Cannot Change Policy or Notification is turned on.

    7. If you can not access a client via remote tools check the following:

      a. Is the client on a subnet that is not part of the SMS site?
      b. Is WINS or NetBIOS name resolution working?

There are many settings that you can make to Remote Tools. Some of these settings are

  1. Client Cannot Change Policy or Notification Setting - prevents user from overriding remote tools access.

  2. When a remote client belongs to two sites their effective permissions are the combination of the most restrictive permissions used for the two sites. Being a member of the local administrator group will not override the permissions.

  3. To configure a client to display the last administrator to connect and use Remote Tools, you should configure the Remote Tools Client Agent to display either high security indicator or taskbar icon.

  4. Use low compression for video for computers with 150 MHz or less CPU's and high compression if their CPU's are greater than 150 MHz. This is the default setting.



Network Monitor

You must be a member of the local Administrators group to run NetMon. The NIC must also support promiscuous mode to capture all network data.

If you receive "Unable to Detect" for Bytes Total Per Second Counter, then you need to install the Network Counters Component from the Resource Kit.

Security Monitor can be used to detect and shutdown unauthorized computers running NetMON by disabling their NIC.

Network Monitor Experts can be used to analyze captured data. Use the Top Senders expert to view the top talkers on your network.

Network Trace can be used to provide a Network diagram of Site servers and components as well as DHCP and Routers. It requires Network Discovery to be running. Network Trace is used to determine if there are connectivity problems between sites.

You can use Capture filters to reduce the amount of data captured.



Senders are the components that allow sites to communicate with each other. They can be installed on the SMS Site server or a component server. However only one sender per site connection can be configured per server.

To configure senders you must have the modify permission for the Site Object or the specific site at which you want to create the new sender.

Each Site must have at least one address for its direct parent site and child sites. However, you can configure additional senders that skip paths in the hierarchy to enhance performance.


Maximum Transfer Rate can be used to control the bandwidth being used by the sender.

Before communication can occur between sites (if the SMS service account is not being used) you must configure a Windows NT System Connection Account. This account must be a member of the local Administrators group, and have the logon as a service right.

Each Site Sender must have a unique username and address.

When configuring the sender you must establish the sender from the Child to Parent first. Then you configure the sender from the Parent to the Child.

There are three major categories of Senders:



  1. Use this sender when you plan on using physical media to distribute information via snail mail.

  2. This sender is automatically installed.



  1. One direct address is required for each child node, as well as the parent of the current node.

  2. The standard sender sends data in 256 blocks.

  3. Installed by default

  4. The following information is required between sites:

    1. Site code of the destination

    2. Account to use for connecting to the destination site. (This account must be a member of the local administrator group and have the log in as a service right in the destination site.

  5. You can optimize the sender by doing the following

    1. Reduce the Rate Limits value for the destination address.

    2. Reduce the Maximum number of Concurrent Sending

    3. Schedule only High Priority transmissions for times of high network traffic.


RAS (Remote Access Service)

  • ISDN -- X.25 -- Asynchronous


    You must configure an NDS server with these three components for it to work correctly as a logon server

      Distribution Point
      Logon Point

    You must have NWLink or IPX/SPX as well as the client to connect between Netware and MS. This can either be Client for Netware Networks, Client Service for NetWare, or Client 32 made by Novell.



    Allows you to send NT Events from clients to an SMS server.

    To have traps sent from client to SMS you must install the SNMP agent on the client as well as configure the Event to Trap Translator. Then you must install the SNMP Trap receiver on the server. In addition you should verify the configuration of the community names, and the trap receiver address.

    Remember to reapply any NT Service Packs after installing the SNMP agent.



    Health Monitor

    Can be run on Site servers to provide a graphical view and real time status of specified components. The requirements for Health Monitor is that the Healthmon Agent 1.0 be installed, IE 4.01, WBEM, and MMC 1.1 or later.

    When using HealthMon, you will get 100 percent utilization of Diskperf is not run locally on the client.


    Status Messages and Summaries

    SMS Status Messages provide information on packages, advertisements, components, and site systems. You may configure Windows NT client events to be logged only on the Site Server. The events will be logged to the application log.

    SMS messages are always logged on the Site Server even when components are farmed out to other computers for load balancing. This is the only place they will show up.

    To prevent Status summaries from escalating up the SMS hierarchy, clear the Replicate to the Parent Site check box in the Status Message Viewer. More specifically, use the Component Summarizer Dialog Box.

    Create Status filter rules to prevent excessive traffic between sites. Status filter rules will be applied in the order of their priority. You can copy and paste status messages into a .CSV file for later review and archiving purposes.



    Administrator Program

    If you are running the Administrator Console and cannot log into the database, you are probably not registered with the SQL server.

    Use the following commands to check SQL Integrity

    1. Restore or SQL Enterprise Manager - SQL 7 used to restore DB

    2. Load or SQL Enterprise Manager - SQL 6.5 used to restore DB


    4. DBCC NEWALLOC - SQL 6.5 integrity checker


    6. DBCC CHECKDB - Used to repair all errors


    SMS Site Database Names

    1. DB Names - SMS_Sitecode

    2. DB Devices - SMSData_sitecode

    3. Log Device - SMSLog_sitecode


    SMS Software Metering Database Names

    1. DB Name - SMS_LICDB_sitecode

    2. DB Device - LicData_sitecode

    3. Log Device - LicLog_sitecode

    One reason why a primary server cannot connect to a client is that NetBIOS name resolution is not working properly, which results in failure of Remote Control tools.


    Software Distribution

    A person may not receive SMS advertisements if this client component is not installed, or package access may restrict the person, or a distribution point may not exist for their site.

    If you have three sites, one central and two child sites, and one site reports that it is not receiving announcements, check these four things

    1. Make sure a package access account is not restricting access

    2. Make sure a distribution point exists in every site

    3. Make sure that a collection used does not exclude a particular site

    4. Make sure the client software is installed

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