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Exam 70-224-Exchange Server 2000


Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server


"This certification exam measures your ability to implement, administer, and troubleshoot information systems that incorporate Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server. Before taking the exam, you should be proficient in the job skills listed in below"


Test Information

  • This is Exam 70-224 (Be careful - MS is releasing a few different Exchange based tests) Do not take the wrong one - make sure it's the right one.

  • Note: Exam 70-224 is in development and is not yet available

  • It should be released in its live by February 2001

  • When you pass this exam, you achieve Microsoft Certified Professional status.

  • You also earn elective credit toward Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer certification.

  • These Exam Notes are mapped to the Posted objectives by Microsoft.

  • Microsoft targets the exam audience as candidates who operate or work in medium to very large computing environments that use Exchange 2000 Server.

  • Who also use Windows 2000 Active Directory, and Internet Information Server and they have a minimum of one year's experience administering Microsoft Exchange environments that have the following characteristics: Multiple physical locations, Mixed client connection protocols such as POP3, IMAP4, MAPI, NNTP, and HTTP, Internet messaging connectivity and Connectivity to foreign mail systems"

Study Tips

As With anything else - This is sure to be a tough test. Do not rely on one study resource or Braindumps. Look over the objectives; go through the labs and practice.

Do not use this guide, or any other guide as your sole study resource. Use it as a quick review of essential topics. Always use a study guide in conjunction with another set of training materials and real world experience if you can get it. There are currently not many study materials to be had for this exam as of now - but please visit the links above and throughout the exam notes.

Make sure you have a good grasp on the content for this exam - I am sure they will do their best to make it harder than the 5.5 exams. Good Luck.

Hardware Requirements

Intel Pentium 166 megahertz (MHz) or faster

At least 128 megabytes (MB) Random Access Memory (RAM)

NTFS partition with at least 4 gigabytes (GB) of available disk space for Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server

Software Requirements

Microsoft Windows 2000 Server, build 2195

Exchange 2000 Server, Release Candidate 2 (RC2), or Release to Manufacturing (RTM).

Windows 2000 SP1 is required to be on your server before installing Exchange 2000. It is strongly recommended that you also install Windows 2000 SP1 and the Windows 2000 hotfix Q257357 on your domain controllers.

Pre-Installation Tasks

By default, Microsoft Internet Information Services 5.0 (IIS) is installed with Windows 2000 Server.

Verify that both Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) and Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) have been installed.

A Domain Name System (DNS) server must be available for your domain.

At least one Windows 2000 subnet must be configured for the domain if there is more than one site.

Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server must be installed on a computer that is a member of a domain and not in a workgroup.

Prepare the Forest

You need to be a member of the Enterprise Admins and Schema Admins security groups. You must have administrative rights on the computer on which ForestPrep runs. If you do not belong to the Schema Admins and Enterprise Admins security groups, you must request that someone who does run ForestPrep in the domain where the schema master resides. By default, the schema master runs on the first Windows 2000 domain controller installed in a forest. ForestPrep accomplishes different tasks depending on whether you are installing Exchange 2000 into an organization where Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5 is running or if you are creating a new Exchange 2000 organization.


Extends the Active Directory schema to include Exchange-specific information. This affects the entire forest and, depending on the size of Active Directory, may take a large amount of time to replicate changes throughout the forest. Prompts for and creates the Exchange 2000 organization name and object in Active Directory. When Exchange 2000 is installed, provided that you run DomainPrep in each domain where Exchange 2000 is to be installed, Setup queries Active Directory for configuration information. This simplifies deployment of Exchange 2000 throughout the forest. Assigns Exchange Full Administrative permissions to the account that you specify. This account has the authority to install Exchange 2000 throughout the forest. Also, after the first installation of Exchange 2000, you can use this account to run Administration Delegation Wizard, which configures Exchange-specific roles for administrators across the forest.

If the ForestPrep command doesn't work, make sure the account has the following permissions:

Schema Admins

Enterprise Admins

Local Admin rights to the server


After you run ForestPrep, you must run DomainPrep in each domain where you want to install Exchange 2000. This includes the same domain where you ran ForestPrep. To run DomainPrep, your account must be a member of the Domain Admins security group for the domain and have administrative rights on the computer from which you are running DomainPrep. The procedure for running DomainPrep is the same whether or not your forest includes Exchange Server 5.5 or earlier versions. When you use the following procedure, DomainPrep Prompts for the address list server that is responsible for this domain, Creates the global security group, Domain EXServers, Creates the domain local security group, All Exchange Servers, Adds the Domain EXServers group to the All Exchange Servers group and Grants appropriate rights to the address list server.

If the DomainPrep command doesn't work, make sure the account has the following permissions:

Domain Admins

Local Admin rights to the server

If the DomainPrep command doesn't work, make sure the account has the following permissions:

Schema Admins

Enterprise Admins

Local Admin rights to the server

Back Up Exchange 2000

Click Start, point to Programs, point to Accessories, point to System Tools, and then click Backup. Click the Backup tab. Expand the Microsoft Exchange Server branch in the justify pane, and then expand the server branch you want. To expand a branch, double-click the branch or click the plus sign to the justify of the branch. Select the objects that you want to back up. To select an object, click to select the check box to the justify of the object. Type the full path and file name of the backup file in the Backup media or file name box, and then click Start Backup.

Restore Exchange 2000

To restore an Exchange 2000 server, dismount any database that you want to restore, and then restore its backup. To dismount a database you need to click Start, point to Programs, point to Microsoft Exchange, and then click System Manager. If the Administrative Groups branch exists in the justify pane, expand it, expand the appropriate administrative group branch, expand the Servers branch, and then expand the appropriate server branch. If the Administrative Groups branch does not exist, expand the Servers branch in the justify pane, and then expand the appropriate server branch. To expand a branch, double-click the branch or click the plus sign to the justify of the branch. For each database that you want to restore, expand the associated storage group branch, right-click the database, and then click Dismount Store. In addition, right-click each database, click Properties, click the Database tab, verify that the database can be overwritten by a restore check box is selected, and then click OK.

Good Backup Info

Exchange 2000 Server supports multiple databases and storage groups on the same server. This support allows you to split a single logical database into multiple physical databases. You can back up and restore these smaller physical databases much faster than larger databases. In addition, you can help improve overall system reliability by using multiple physical databases because you can restore an individual database from a backup while other databases continue to service client requests.

Active Directory Connector

If you want to install Active Directory Connector (ADC) into a child domain, you must first extend the Active Directory schema by running the Active Directory Connector setup from a command line in the domain where the schema master is located and using the /schemaonly flag. The root domain is used by default. Then after information is replicated to the child domain, you can run the Active Directory Connector setup in the child domain using a user account from the child domain.

Routing and Connectors

Do Not Use Some Characters in Connector Display Names in Pure Exchange 2000 Administrative Groups in Mixed-Mode Organizations If you create an SMTP, X.400, or Routing Group Connector in a new pure Exchange 2000 administrative group and the Exchange organization is in mixed-mode, the connector name can include only US ASCII alpha-numeric characters, embedded spaces, one or more of the following characters:


This restriction does not apply if the administrative group previously contained Exchange 5.5 servers.


A Cluster Server Cannot be a Front-end Server. Since clustering provides Exchange mailbox servers failover capability if they are connected to shared storage, and front-end servers only relay Internet client protocol commands to mailbox servers, there is no benefit to using a cluster server as a front-end server. However, front-end servers can be made more fault tolerant by using multiple front-end servers and a load balancing scheme.

Secure Sockets Layer on Clusters can be used. To use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) with protocols on a cluster, you must install a certificate with Exchange System Manager and an Exchange virtual server on the same node. After installing the first certificate, failover the virtual server to the second node, and then use Exchange System Manager on the second node to install another certificate.

Installing Exchange 2000 on a Cluster Requires a Physical Disk Resource. Exchange 2000 does not work on all cluster hardware and requires a disk resource of type "Physical Disk." Do not upgrade or install Exchange 2000 on a cluster that does not have a disk resource named "Physical Disk." Unless your cluster hardware uses the NT cluster resource "Physical Disk" do not install or upgrade your cluster to Exchange 2000.


Using Key Management Service - Publishing Certificates Requires a Global Catalog in Every User Domain. Before enrolling users in security through Key Management Service, a global catalog must exist in the same domain as the users, or clients will not be able to publish certificates into the directory. Additionally, a registry entry must be set on every client computer in order for clients to publish to that global catalog.

Key Management Service Needs a Server Registry Key to Publish Certification Revocation Lists After Upgrading to Exchange 2000. If you have an Exchange 5.5 certificate authority (CA) with the Exchange policy module installed, the CA does not add the Certification Revocation List Distribution Point extension to certificates.

Last Notes

Remember - this is a study guide used to aid your studies. It is only a beginning of the mass amount of information you will need to acquire to tackle this one. If anyone has set up Exchange 2000 at home or implemented it at work, they know it is a monster and if you look at the objectives, everything starts with the word configure.

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