Professional Shipping:-
Bachelor's degree in Economics/Bus Admin./related field with 3 yrs
practical experience in shipping.
28-35 Years
Hydro Power
Development:- B.Sc Degree in Civil Engg with 2 to 5 Yrs practical experience in planning design/ construction of hydraulic works.
25-35 years.
Electric Power
Distribution:-B.Sc degree in Electrical Engineering with 3-10 yrs
25-35 Years.
Management of Natural
Resources and Sustainable Agriculture:- A good Bachelor's degree in
Agriculture, natural or Social Sciences, Professional experience in
Resource planning & Management.
25-33 Years.
M.Sc. Programme in
Petroleum Engineering/Petroleum Geosciences:-B.Sc. degree in, preferable
in Petroleum Geosciences or in petroleum Engg.
25-35 Years
M.Phil Programme in
Social Change: Duration 22 months B.A. degree in Geography. Candidates
with B.A. in other Social Sciences might also be considered for
admission, if their first degree includes some subjects within the field
of Geography.
M.Sc. Programme in
natural Resource Management Specialization in Development and Resource
Economics:-Duration 22 months B.Sc degree in Agriculture Economics,
Development Economics or Economics.
M.Sc. in International
Fisheries Management:- Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Arts, Cand. Mag.
Degree equivalent education of at least three years duration within
biology ecology/and/or economics/organization/law or which at least tow
years must have been undertaken at University level. Basic knowledge of
mathematics and statistics required.
Programme in Fisheries and Marine Biology:- Bachelor of Science
(preferable with honors) in biology with special knowledge in aquatic
biology. Background in mathematics and statistics and also some field
25-35 years.
M.Phil Programme in
Social Anthropology: (with emphasis of human ecology):- Duration 2 years
Bachelor of Arts (or preferably Master of Arts) in Social Anthropology/Sociology.
25-33 years.
M.Phil Programme in
Health Sciences (International health):- Duration 2 years Graduates from
the school of medicine or dentistry and or graduates of public health,
nutrition, biology, medical technology, pharmacy and social and behavioral
M.Phil Programme in
Public Administration and Organization Theory:- A University degree
based on either a) three years of studies or more form a recognized
non-Norwegian University or b) Bachelor, Cand. Mag. Degree or comparable