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Scholarships Given by Government of India to Foreign Students

Scholarships Given by Government of India to Foreign Students           

The Government of India offers scholarships and fellowships to international students wishing to study in India in various programmes and disciplines. Scholarships are available also for research work and non-formal courses (Religion, Classical Music, Dance and Crafts). The following scholarship schemes are available to international students

Cultural Exchange Programme

Every year scholarships are offered to international students according to the terms and conditions of the Cultural Exchange Programme signed between the Government of India and the Government of the respective country for studying, training and research in various fields. At present India has Cultural Exchange Programmes with the following countries:

Australia, Algeria, Argentina, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bulgaria, Belgium, Bahrain, Colombia, Cyprus, China, Czech, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Hungary, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Kyrghyzstan, Mongolia, Myanmar, Maldives, Mauritius, Malaysia, Mexico, Mali, Netherlands, Nigeria, North Korea, Norway, Pakistan, Philippines, Portugal, Poland, Romania, Russia, Rwanda, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, South Korea, Senegal, Sudan, Syria, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uganda, United Arab Emirates (UAE), United Arab Republic (Egypt), Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Yemen, Zaire, Zimbabwe.

General Cultural Scholarship Scheme

Scholarships are awarded under this scheme (GCSS) annually to international students belonging to certain Asian, African and Latin American countries for the undergraduate, postgraduate degrees and for pursuing research at Indian universities. However, scholarships for medical studies for MBBS, BDS or for medical research leading to a Ph.D. degree are not offered under the GCSS scheme. A list of countries covered under the GCSS is given below:

Afghanistan, Barbados, Botswana, Cambodia, Cameroon, Djibuti, Ethiopia, Fiji, Gambia, Guyana, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jamaica, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Laos, Lesotho, Maldives, Mauritius, Myanmar, Malawi, Namibia, Nepal, Palestine, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Somalia, South Africa, Republic of Ireland, Sri Lanka, Syria, Seychelles, Sudan, Tanzania, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Uganda, Uzbekistan, UAE, Vietnam, Yemen, Zaire, Zambia. Zimbabwe.

Apasaheb Pant Scholarship Scheme

Under this scheme one scholarship is offered to a Kenyan national to pursue studies at the postgraduate level, preferably in the field of Economics or International Relations at Jawaharlal Nehru University. Apart from the usual dues, economy class air-fare is also provided.

Commonwealth Fellowships

Scholarships and fellowships are offered annually under this scheme to candidates from Commonwealth countries mainly for postgraduate studies, though a few awards may be made available for undergraduate studies in those disciplines for which adequate facilities may not exist in the applicants' country. Short duration scholarships are also available under this scheme for scholars wishing to collect material for conducting research projects back home.

Technical Cooperation Scheme (TCS) of the Colombo Plan

Under the TCS of the Colombo Plan, scholarships are awarded to the candidates of the following countries:

Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Iran, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Maldives, Nepal, Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Sri Lanka, South Korea, Thailand.

According to the scheme, scholarships are offered for undergraduate, postgraduate and research towards a Ph.D. degree. At the undergraduate level a few scholarships are also available for engineering degrees or diploma courses.

The scholarships in this scheme are of two categories,

Category I: This category is for training of officers coming for short or medium-term courses.

Category II: This is meant for students, trainees, undergraduates and postgraduates coming for short, medium or long-term courses.

The duration of courses is as follows

  • One year or less
  • Up to two years
  • More than two years

Reciprocal Scholarship Scheme

Candidates wishing to do postgraduate study or research in any subject for which facilities exist in India, may apply for a scholarship under this scheme. Applicants wanting to study or wishing to specialize in Indian Classical Music, Indian Classical Dance, Painting, Sculpture, Drama and Indian Languages may also be considered for admission at the undergraduate level. For undergraduate courses, international students may join any university or a recognized institution An international student wishing to study Indian languages, should join a university or institution as a regular student.

Scholarships under this scheme are available to candidates from the following countries: Austria, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Denmark, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Switzerland, Surinam, Uruguay.

Scholarship Scheme for Sri Lanka and Mauritius

Under this scheme 77 scholarships are offered annually, 47 for Sri Lanka and 30 for Mauritius. These scholarships are for pursuing studies towards undergraduate, postgraduate degrees and for pursuing research towards fulfillment of a Ph.D. degree. Nationals of Sri Lanka can also study specialized subjects such as Agriculture, Engineering and Pharmacy under this scheme.

SAARC Scholarship Scheme

To promote interaction among students, scholars, academicians from SAARC countries, the Government of India has introduced the SAARC Fellowship and Scholarship Scheme. Six fellowships and twelve scholarships are offered annually to the nationals of member countries viz. Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Therefore, one fellowship and two scholarships are offered to nationals of each member country.

Fellowships and scholarships are offered for studies in areas of Economics, Education, Environment, Agriculture, Mass Communication, Language and Literature, Sociology, Transport Engineering, Applied Economics, Master of Business Administration Programme, Biochemistry, Social Work, Food Technology and Home Science.

In addition. one Chair is also awarded to a member country on rotation basis. Only such courses for which no adequate facilities exist in the member countries, are offered for study by the Government of India. The financial terms and conditions are finalized by the SAARC secretariat.

ICCR Scholarship Scheme

60 Scholarships under the ICCR scheme are offered annually for undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in Performing as well as Visual Arts. Subjects include Indian Classical Music, Dance, Painting and Sculpture. Facilities for doing research work in these fields are also available. Candidates from any country can apply.

Under its scholarship schemes, ICCR offers the following facilities to scholars:

Living Allowance

  • Undergraduate/ Postgraduate Rs. 2,000/- per month
  • M.Phil/Ph.D./MD/MS/M.Tech/ME Rs. 2,800/- per month
  • Post-doctoral studies Rs. 3,500/- per month

Contingent Grant

  • Undergraduate/ Postgraduate Rs. 4,500/- per annum
  • M. Phil Ph.D. in humanities Rs. 7,500/- per annum
  • M. Phil/ Ph.D. courses in sciences, technology MD/MS/M.Tech /ME Rs. l0,000/- per annum
  • Post-doctoral studies Rs. 10,000/- per annum
  • Post-doctoral studies in Science, Engineering, Technology, Medicine Rs. 12,500/- per annum

Tuition Fees

ICCR pays all compulsory tuition fees charged by the universities institutions.

Thesis and dissertation charges

Thesis and dissertation charges are fully reimbursed; if the expenditure is not beyond Rs. 1,000/-. Expenses above this limit are reimbursed to the extent of 50%.

Medical Benefits

ICCR pays for expenditure incurred by the scholar for medicines bought on the advice of the medical officer of the institution/ university. ICCR reimburses expenses except on tonics, surgical appliances, artificial aids, spectacles and similar articles. Claims for reimbursement should be supported by cash vouchers. Treatment requiring hospitalization, should be referred to Government hospitals. However, cases requiring immediate and special treatment can be referred to private practitioners at the discretion of the head of the institution or the medical officer of the institution.

Study Tour Expenses

  • General Cultural Scholarship Scheme, ICCR Scholarship Scheme and Scheme for Nationals of Bangladesh, Mauritius & Sri Lanka
  • An amount of Rs. 2,000/- per annum plus first class train fare is given to the scholars.
  • Cultural Exchange Programme

    Under the Cultural Exchange Programme study tours are reimbursed, but ICCR has to be informed of the study tour proposal well in advance.

    Scholars proceeding on a study tour should have their study tour proposal certified by the Supervising Teacher or Head of the Institution concerned as an integral part of or as essential is enclosed at Annexure III. This form should be completed and sent to ICCR for clearance.

    The scholar would be paid the cost of return first class rail fare non-air-conditioned or the actual bus fare together with the daily allowance as indicated below for the period of the tour:

    For the first 30 nights at one place at Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, Delhi Rs. 80/-per night

  • At all other places Rs. 60/-

  • For the period in excess of 30 nights at :Bombay, Calcutta, Madras and Delhi Rs. 60/-

      At all other places Rs. 40/-

    This daily allowance is given in addition to the normal monthly maintenance allowance.

How to Apply for a Scholarship

Offer of scholarships are sent to the respective Governments through Indian diplomatic missions abroad. Nominations are received from the respective Governments in the Indian diplomatic missions concerned. These are forwarded to ICCR for final selection and placement. Direct applications from candidates cannot be considered by ICCR. International government nominees have to fill prescribed forms for Scholarships for Foreign Nationals that are available with Indian missions abroad. While filling in the forms, the candidate must specify the course he wishes to pursue such as i) certificate/diploma ii) undergraduate degree iii) postgraduate degree iv) doctoral research work only. Candidates are also advised to consult the Handbook of Indian Universities available with Indian missions abroad to ensure the availability of their choice of a course in India. The application forms should include the required number of copies of educational certificates along with three copies of passport-size photographs. In some cases, a no objection certificate from the candidate's employer or place of work is also required.

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