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Private and Trust Scholarships

Private / Trust Scholarships


A.M.M. Charities Trust

'Tiam House' 28, Bajaj Road, Madras--600 001. 

Interest free loan scholarship for post-graduate / Doctoral studying in Engineering , Science, Humanities Medicine and Business Mgt. 

Eligibility: 1st Class Degree / equivalent Diploma.


Asian Development Bank (ADB) Japan Scholarship Program  

Eligibility: Post-Graduate (Diploma, Master's and Ph.D.) Degree + 2 yrs. experience. 

Duration : 1 to 3 yrs. Covers tuition fees, books , return air fare. - Fields in Management, Technology and related disciplines - Institutes for admission are designated by the ADB. 

Details : -The scholarship Administrator, Education Division, Asian Development Bank, P.O. Box 789, 1009, Manila, Philippines. / Education Foundation of India, 12, K. Dubash Marg., Fort, Mumbai-400 023.


Association for Overseas Technical Scholarship (AOTS)  

(AOTS) Japan for 

(a) Six months for residents of Mumbai Region

AOTS Alumni Association, Mumbai C/O. Electronic Enterprises, Limit 216, Regal Industrial Estate, Acharya Donde Marg, Sewri, Mumbai-400 015. 

Eligibility: Graduate + 1 yrs. Work exp. preferably in Mechanical Fabrication ,Light Engineering, Civil, Instrumentation, Comp. and Electrical Machinery. 

Age : 20 to 35 yrs. 

(b) Management Training Courses of 2 to 6 weeks in Quality Control, Production & General Mgt. 

Eligibility: 3 yrs.. experience in related field. 

Age : 27 to 50 yrs. 

(C) Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd. in association with AOTS, Japan gives Scholarships. 

Details : Tel.: 872 4274. Mr. Rusi Ghista.



For: Vocational and Professional courses

Special Criteria: The Basic Research Education and Development Society

Location: BREAD, 401, "Diamond House", Adjacent to Amrutha Hills, Punjagutta, Hyderabad-82, Telephone No. 331 3088, Fax No. 3313188.

Eligibility: Students seeking vocational and professional courses whose parents annual income is less than Rs. 12,000 per annum for the present academic year, in the state.

General Information: Entire expenditure including tuition fees, hostel mess charges, books and other expenditure will be borne by the BREAD till they completed the course. By the end of August the selections will be completed.


Cambridge Society Mumbai Scholarship Fund  

Mr. V.P. Shethi,5, Udayaraj, Sreenagar Colony Road, Goregaon (W) Mumbai-400062.) 

To students with 1st class degrees at Bachelor's and Master's level & Domiciled in Maharashtra, Gujarat and Goa. For Tripos as well as Post-Graduate and Post-Doctoral studies in Science, Humanities and Engineering at University of Cambridge, U.K.(Rs.60,000/-p.a).


Cambridge Nehru Scholarship

10 Scholarship for those with 1st Class Honors Degree (Master's Degree preferred) for research at Cambridge leading to Ph.D.

Nehru Trust for Cambridge University, Teen Murti House, New Delhi-110 011.



Eveready Welfare Services invites applications for scholarships from Indian nationals in advanced education in Management, all branches of Engineering and Electro-Chemistry at reputed Institutions in India for the year 2000-2001. Ten scholarships each of a maximum Rs. 15,000 per annum are proposed to be awarded for up to 4 years of study (depending on the duration of the course).  

Eligibility criteria are: 

1.    First class academic record throughout the career.

2.    Firm admission in the first year of a reputed Indian University / Institute for Graduate / Post Graduate studies for 2000-2001 academic year as a full time student.

3.    The combined gross income of both the parents not to exceed Rs. 150,000 per year.

4.    Not a recipient of any other scholarship / financial assistance. 

Preliminary applications on plain paper with detailed information on (1) to (4) above should be forwarded to:

Eveready Welfare Services,
2 Rainey Park, Calcutta - 700019

Prescribed application forms will be sent to short listed candidates. The decision of the Selection Committee will be final.


H.T. Bhandary Foundation

Bahndary Estate, Kurla (East), Mumbai-400 070. 

Scholarship for Degree courses in Medicine / Engineering.


Homi Bhabha Fellowships Council

For 1 to 2 yrs Rs. 4,000 to 6000 /- per month. 

For equipment's / travel within India & abroad.


ITC Ltd.

Corporate Public Relations Manager, Virginia House, 37, Chowringhee, Calcutta-700 071. 

Scholarship (Rs.50,000 per annum for 1-2 yrs.) for management Studies in premier institutes in U.K. or U.S.A.


Ichalkaranji Education Endowment Fund

Yashodham, 7, Tapobhumi Society, Mukundnagar, Pune - 411 037. 

Loan Scholarship for students with Marathi as mother language.


Indo-soviet Medical Education Care & Research Foundation

12, Bharti, Artist's Colony, (Preet Vihar) New Delhi-110 092. 

Selects : 250 students in undergraduate & P.G. studies in Medical , Engineering ,Technical and Under Graduate Courses in Agriculture , Forestry, Arts, Law & Journalism.


Inlaks Foundation

P.O. Box 2108, New Delhi-110 007. 

Scholarship in Europe UK USA - in the fields of Archeology, Architecture, Business Administration, Environmental Sciences, Film Directors, Humanities, Journalism, Law, Music, Science, Technology, Theatre, Visual Arts. 

Age : 19-28 yrs. 

Eligibility : Degree.


J.N. Tata Scholarship

By J.N. Tata Endowment, Mumbai House, 24, Homi Mody Street, Mumbai - 400 001. 

For higher studies abroad in Technology, Sciences and Humanities. Eligibility : Graduate in Medical / Management Studies. Post-graduates in Arts/Science. for Doctoral & Post-Doctoral Research )


K.C. Mahindra Trust

Cecil Court, 3rd floor, Mahakavi Bhushan Marg., Mumbai-400 039

Interest free loan scholarship upto Rs. 50,000/- for higher studies abroad for advanced studies in Engineering, Humanities, Medicine and Business Mgt. including study of Military, Naval and Aviation Sciences. 

Eligibility : First class Degree / Equivalent Diploma.


Kothari Research & Design Foundation

For: Architecture

Location: The Administrator, Kothari Research & Design Foundation, Kothari Associates, G-65, Connaught Circus, New Delhi - 1

Special Criteria: Kothari Research & Design Foundation

Amount: Rs. 4,000.00

Eligibility: Indian. Age 19-23 years, should be in the second or third year of any recognized engineering institute in Delhi

General Information: 3 scholarships


Kothari Research & Design Foundation

For: Fine & Applied Arts

Special Criteria: Kothari Research & Design Foundation

Location: The Administrator, Kothari Research & Design Foundation, Kothari Associates, G-65, Connaught Circus, New Delhi - 1

Amount: Rs. 4,000.00 per annum

Eligibility: Indian. Age: 19-23 years. Should be in the second or third year of any recognized Institute in Delhi

General Information: 3 scholarships


Lady Maherbai D. Tata Education Trust

Mumbai House, Homy Mody Street, Mumbai- 400 001. 

Scholarships awarded to young women graduates for higher studies abroad for specialization in Social Service Work, Child Welfare, Rural Organization Work, Public Health and Hygiene and Social Hygiene.


London School of Economics & Political Science

London. 3 scholarships for P.G. Course 

Details : Shirr R.S. Bhatt, Ewart House, Homy Mady Street, Mumbai-400023. 


Overseas Educational & Culture Society

C-112, Anand Niketan, New-Delhi-110 021. 

Free Scholarships to 10, for six years M.Tech. Degree Course in (1) Computers (2) Electronics, (3) Robotics at University in Ukraine 

Eligibility : 10 + 2.


R.D. Sethna Scholarships Fund Esplanade House

1st Floor, 29, Waudby Road, Fort, Mumbai-400 001. 

Loan Scholarship for Scientific, Technical, Industrial and Commercial Instruction or Education in India and abroad.


Raunaq Educational Foundation

Allahabad Bank Bldg.. 17, Parliament Street, New Delhi-110 001 

Four interest-free loan scholarships of Rs. 25,000 /- in the field of Business Mgt. Engineering, Sciences. etc.


Rhodes Scholarships-(India)

C/O St. Stephen's college, New Delhi-110 007. 

3 scholarship leading to a degree at University of Oxford in Pure or Applied Sciences, Humanities. 

Age : Between 19 to 25 yrs.                


Rotary International Scholarship (District-3140)

Rotary Service Center, Juhu Tara Road, Mumbai-400 049. Tel. 632 7916. 

Areas of Study-Teachers of the Handicapped, Journalism, Advanced study in medicine, alternate energy resources, environmental control. 

Eligibility: Bachelor's Degree with 2 yrs. experience. 

Age : Between 21 to 50. 

Value : 18,000 (academic experiences & air fare).


S.K. Patil Loan Scholarship

Shir Brihad Bharatiya Samaj, N.K. Mehta International House, 178, Backbay Reclamation Mumbai-400 020.

15 Scholarships for Higher studies abroad in Engineering, Technology, Medicine, and other Professional courses.


Sahu Jain Trust

Times House, 4 th Floor, 7 , Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi-110 002. 

For Technical Subjects for graduates Loan Scholarships for higher studies abroad upto Rs. 25000/- 

Also offers Inland loan Scholarships.


SAI & NOL Scholarships for Under Graduate studies in Singapore

For: English

Location: C/o, Robinson Road, P.O. Box. 746, Singapore - 9014, Republic of Singapore

Special Criteria: Scholarships for Undergraduate studies in Singapore

Amount: Tuitions fees, return air fare, air passage, allowances and all other compulsory tuition fees

Eligibility: HSC


Shir Lalbhai Dalpatbhai Charity Trust

Sheth Lalbahi Dalpatbhai vanda, Pankore Naak, Ahmedabad-380 001. 

Foreign study Loans upto Rs. 35,000/- for higher studies abroad in Engineering Medicine, Chemistry, Physics, Aeronautics, Electronics, Nuclear Sc., Comp Sc. and Business Management


Singapore Airlines Scholarship (SIA youth Scholarships)

C /O Robinson Road, P.O. Box 746, Singapore-9140, Republic of Singapore. 

For 2 years pre-university course in Junior Colleges in Singapore.



In association with Hitachi Ltd., Tokyo, Japan, THE HINDU invites applications for scholarships for technical training in JAPAN. The number of scholarships will be three. The terms and conditions are as follows: 

1.  Candidates who must be Indian citizens, should not have completed 30 years of age on 31-03-2001 and should be in possession of the minimum Degree of B.E. or B.Sc. (Engg.) or its equivalent from any recognized university. Candidates who have already had practical experience in the branches, for which training is proposed to be given, will be given preference. Candidates with at least one year's professional experience need apply. Those who were interviewed in previous years for the Scholarships need not apply again.

2.  The Scholarships are tenable in Japan for principally six months commencing about July 2001. Trainees may have general training in two or more of the following product fields of Hitachi Ltd. (Hitachi) for example, (1) Information & Telecommunication System (2) Display (Color display tubes or liquid crystal (TFT displays), (3) Digital Media (4) Power & Industrial System (5) Industrial Components (6) Elevators & Escalators, (7) Automotive Components (8) Air-conditioning Systems, (9) Consumer (Home Appliance and Audio Visual) products of Hitachi, being subject to the convenience of each of Hitachi's establishments.

3.  Trainees shall be, during their training, under the supervision and direction of Hitachi, which has full discretion on scope, mode, duration and place of establishment of their training. Training will not be available in the design and R & D activities of Hitachi. They will be subject to the rules and regulations and the discipline of the establishment to which they are posted. If the total training period in the fields of a trainee's interests does not reach six months Hitachi may place trainees in any other field for training at Hitachi's discretion to fill the balance period. If this effort fails, training for the concerned trainee will be limited to a four-month duration.

4.  Selected trainees will be provided with return Economy Class air passage. Arrangements will also be made for free Boarding and Lodging for trainees in Japan, and to defray all expenses for traveling in Japan, which may be considered necessary for their training. In addition each trainee will be paid a monthly fixed allowance to cover his personal expenses.

5.  Parents or guardians of selected candidates shall guarantee their good conduct and shall undertake to pay for their repatriation should their conduct be found unsatisfactory by Hitachi Ltd., or any, public authority in Japan or in case the selected candidates desire to discontinue their studies in Japan for any reason whatsoever during the period of their scholarships.

6.  Applications should be made in duplicate in the forms available on payment of Rs. 5/- from THE HINDU 859 & 860 Anna Salai Chennai-600002, or the branch offices of THE HINDU at  

  • 210, Ansal Bhavan, 16; Kasturba Gandhi Marg; New Delhi-110001

  • "Kasturi Building" Jamshedji Tata Road, Mumbai-400020; 19

  • Infantry Road, Bangalore-560001

  • 11, Government Place East, Calcutta-700069 

  • No. 19 8 20, AT.T Colony, LIC. Road, Coimbatore-641018

  • A/5 North East Extension, Salai Road, Thillai Nagar, Tiruchirapalli-620018

  • 147/2A Eighty Feet Road K.K. Nagar Madurai-625020

  • 6-3-87 & 879B, Begumpet Public Road, Hyderabad-500016

  • 50- 19-9, T.P.· Colony, Seethammadhara, Visakkhapatnam-530013;

  • 27-25-23 1st Floor, Museum Road, Governorpet Vijayawada-520002

  • 39/3385 Alapattu Road, Ravipuram, Kochi-682016;  

  • P.B. No. 1854, Airport Road; Vallakkadavu, Thiruvananthapuram-695008.

7.   Completed forms should reach THE HINDU, B59 & 880, Anna Salal; Chennal-800 002 Superscrlbed "THE HINDU - Hitachi Training Scheme".


The Indian Institute of Bankers

World Trade Center , 2nd Floor, East Wing, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai-400 005. 

Lord Aldington banking research Fellowship : to study latest developments in banking -10 weeks. 

Age : below 45 years. 

Eligibility : CAIIB + 15 years service as officers.


The Oxford & Cambridge Society of India

Mrs. Supriya Gupta, Secretary, The Oxford of India, 35-A friends Colony (East), New Delhi-110 065. 

BCCI Scholarship of Rs.50,000/- for first class graduates for study at University of Oxford or of 
Cambridge - 2 yrs. M.Phil / Ph.D. programme.


United World Colleges Details 

Captain Raj Mahindra, Executive Director, United World Colleges, Mahindra Ugine Steel Co. Ltd. Bakhtawar, Nariman Point, Mumbai-400021. 

United World Colleges give 9 scholarship (each worth US 13,000 /-per year) for 2 yrs for admission to Co-ed colleges in U.K. ,Canada, Singapore, Switzerland, U.S.A., Italy and Hong Kong. 

2 year International Baccalaureate ( IB) curriculum (an internationally recognized school learning Examination). 

Age: Between.16 &18 yrs. 

Eligibility : 75% marks in school leaving examination.


University of Bombay

Sir Mangaldas Nathubhai Travel Grants for Teachers & Research Scholars of Bombay Univ. (preferably Hindus) for going abroad to attend seminars / short courses on : Comp. Sc., Environmental Sc., Pollution Control, Biotechnology, Genetic Engg. Life sciences, Indl. Engg., Mathematics and other Modern Scientific, Technological, Industrial & Engineering including MBA. Grant upto Rs. 12,500 /- per annum maximum or Rs.25,000/- per annum. Research Fellowship -Rs. 30,000/ - per annum for 2 yrs. for Doctoral Research Work abroad in any of the above subject.


Usha Rectifier Corporation (India ) Ltd.

3,Cama Place, New Delhi-110 066. 

2 scholarships of Rs. 50,000/- each for students who have official admissions in University/ college abroad in the field of Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Commerce, Economics, Engineering, MBA, C.A. 

Eligibility : First Class Degree & gross income less than Rs. 6000/-per month


Uttarapatha Trust

38, Noble Chambers, 5th floor, S.A. Brelvi Road, Mumbai-400 001. 

Loan Scholarship for advanced studies in Science, Engineering, Medicine, Research Work etc. in India and Abroad. 

Age limit : Between 20 to 30.


Watumull Foundation Loan Scholarships  

Hyderabad (Sind) National Collegiate Board, Mumbai-400020. 

Interest-Free loan scholarship of Rs. 50,000/- for higher studies in U.S.A. in Engineering, Medicine, Natural Sc.& all new HI-Tech courses.

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