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Govt. Exams

Maths Class X 1998(CBSE)
You are on Set no III Qno. 1 to 30

Time allowed : 3 hours
Maximum Marks : 100

General Instructions :

(i) Question number 1 to 15 carry 2 marks each.
(ii) Question number 16 to 25 carry 4 marks each.
(iii) Question number 26 to 30 carry 6 marks each.
(iv) Write the serial number of the question before attempting it.
(v) Use of logarithmic and trigonometric tables is permitted. Use of calculator is not permitted.

Q2) Find the value of such that the quadratic equation ( - 4)x2 + 2( - 4)x + 4 = 0  (Marks 2)

Q3) The GCD of two polynomials P(x) = 4x2(x2 - 3x + 2) and Q(x) = 12x(x - 2)(x2 - 4) is 4x(x - 2). Find the LCM of the polynomials P(x) and Q(x).  (Marks 2)

Q5) The sales price of a motor-cycle, inclusive of sales tax, is Rs. 38,520. If sales tax is charged at the rate of 7 % of the list price, find the list price of the motor-cycle.  (Marks 2)

Q8) Without using trigonometric tables, evaluate (cos2 20o + cos2 70o)/(sin2 59o + sin2 31o(Marks 2)

Q10) The median of the following observation, arranged is ascending order is 22. Find x.
8, 11, 13, 15, x + 1, x + 3, 30, 35, 40, 43  (Marks 2)

Q11) The mean of n observations x1, x2, x3, ..., xn is . If each observation is divided by p, prove that the mean of the new observation is /p.  (Marks 2)

Q16) In a flight of 6000 km, an aircraft was slowed down due to bad weather. Its average speed for the trip was reduced by 400 km/ hour and time increased by 30 minutes. Find the original duration of flight.   (Marks 4)

Q21) In ABC, If AD is the median, show that AB2 + AC2 = 2(AD2 + BD2)   (Marks 4)

Q26) Solve for x :
(x2 - 36) - (x - 6) = 2(x2 - 15x + 54)  (Marks 6)

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