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Govt. Exams

Social Science Class - X 1998 (CBSE)
You are on Set no 1 questions 1 to 17

Section A - HISTORY

Q1) State any two factors which helped Japan to become an imperialist power. (Marks 2)

Q2) Mention any two steps taken by Lenin immediately after the October Revolution in Russia (1917). (Marks 2)

Q3) Why is the period between September 1939 & April 1940 known as the period of the "Phoney war" in Europe (Marks 2)

Q4) Name any two leaders of the Home Rule Leagues in India. Why were these Leagues set up?
(Marks 2)

Q5) Describe the effects of the First world War on Germany.


What were the objectives for which the League of Nations was set up? Which major world power never joined the League? (Marks 4)

Q6) Describe any two important reasons for the arms race which began after the second world war. What were its effects ?


How did the second World War become truly global in 1941 (Marks 4)

Q7) Examine the role of the young Bengal Movement in the national awakening in India.


Explain the contribution of Prarthana Samaj in the field of social reform (Marks 4)

Q8) Where & When was the first conference of independent countries of Asia & Africa held ? Assess it s importance in shaping the role of Asian & African countries in world affairs.

"The end of cold war is considered as the most significant & positive development of recent years". Give arguments to justify this statement. (Marks 6)

Q9) Examine the factors & forces responsible for the partition of India in 1947.


Explain the main differences between the "Extremist" and 'Moderate' nationalist leaders in India in the early years of the 20th century. Examine the impact of the 'Extremists' on the nationalist movement. (Marks 6)

Q10) On the outline map of India provided to you, locate & name the following
(a) The place from where Gandhiji started his march to begin the Civil Disobedience Movement.
(b) The place where he launched his "Satyagrah" against the indigo planters, and
(c) The place (session) where the Indian National Congress passed its resolution on Fundamental Rights & Economic Programme.


On the outline map of Europe provided to you, locate name.
(a) Two places which were occupied by Germany immediately before the second world war, and
(b) One country of Europe which fought on the side of Germany during the second world war.

Note: The following question is for Blind Candidates only in lieu of Q10.

Q10) Explain any three main objectives of the United Nations

List any three methods of agitations used during the Non-cooperation Movement. (Marks 3)


Q11) Mention any two main ideals before the Indian nation? (Marks 2)

Q12) What is meant by "regionalism" in the Indian Context ? (Marks 2)

Q13) Explain the role which opposition parties play in a democracy. (Marks 3)

Q14) Mention any three steps taken by the Government for removing inequalities between men & women in India. (Marks 3)

Q15) Explain with examples, the main features of India's foreign policy. (Marks 4)

Q16) How is the President of India elected? Explain the legislative and financial powers of the President of India


Why were the rights guaranteed by the Indian constitution know as 'Fundamental Rights' ? Explain the significance of any two Fundamental Rights (Marks 6)


Q17) In the given outline map of India, locate the following correctly with appropriate symbols and write the name of each item near its location:
17.1) River Ganga
17.2) Jammu & Kashmir State
17.3) The major sugarcane producing areas in north India
17.4) The river valley most famous for coal mining in India
17.5) Nepanagar  (Marks 1 x 5 = 5)

NOTE : The following question is for Blind candidates only in Lieu of Q17

Q17.1) Name the city where river Yamuna joins river Ganga
Q17.2) Name one state which is a southern neighbour of J & K state
Q17.3) Which state in India is the largest producer of sugarcane?
Q17.4) Name the river which is known for the largest deposits of 'black gold' in India
Q17.5) Name the industry associated with Nepanagar


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