Chemistry Class - XII 1996
(CBSE) You are on Set no 1 Qno. 1 to 20
Time allowed : 3 hours Maximum Marks :
70 General Instructions :
(i) All questions are
compulsory. (ii) Marks for each question are indicated against
it. (iii) Question number 1 to 10 are very short-answer questions
each of 1 mark. Answer them in about one sentence each. (iv)
Question number 11 to 26 are short-answer questions of 2 marks.
Answer them in not more than 30 words each. (v) Question number
27 to 32 are short-answer questions of 3 marks. Answer them in not
more than 40 words each. (vi) Question number 33 to 34 are
long-answer questions of 5 marks each. Answer them in not more than
70 words each. (vii) Use Log Tables, if necessary. (viii)
Please write down the serial number of the question before
attempting it.
Q1) Write the state of
hybridisation of Boran in BCI3. (Marks
Q2) What are
the coordination number of each of the ions present in the cubic
close packed structure of CaF2 at ordinary temperature
and pressure? (Marks 1)
Q3) The rate constant
of a reaction is 2 x 10-2 L mol-1
s-1. What is the order of the reaction? (Marks1)
Q4) Give the IUPAC name of the following compound:
(Marks 1)
O |
CH3 |
CH |
C |
CH |
CH3 |
CH3 |
Q5) Which alkali metal
carbonate decomposes on heating to liberate CO2?
(Marks 1)
Q6) Name the first
element of the 3-d transition metal series. (Marks
Q7) Give the IUPAC name
of the linkage isomer of [ (NH3)3
Pt-NO2 ] Cl. (Marks 1)
Q8) Fill in the
blanks: Alpha rays are fast moving ... nuclei. (Marks
Q9) Fill in the
blanks: The scattering of light by colloidal dispersion is called
... (Marks 1)
Q10) If a fragment of
one strand of DNA has the base sequence TACGGACAT, what is the base
sequence of the complementary strand? (Marks 1)
Q11) A solid AB has the
NaCl structure. If a radius of the cation A+ is 120 pm,
calculate the maximum possible value of the radius of the anion
B-. (Marks 2)
Q12) The enthalpy
change for the
Ag2O(s) 2Ag(s) + ½ O2(g) is 30.54 kJ
mol-1 and S = 0.06 kJ K1 mol-1 (at 1 atm).
Calculate the temperature at which G is equal to zero. Also
predict the direction of the reaction at a temperature below this
calculated temperature. (Marks 2)
Q13 What is standard
hydrogen electrode? Give the reaction that occurs at this electrode
when it acts as positive electrode in an electrode in an
electrochemical cell. (Marks 2)
Q14 Calculate the
E.M.F. of the following cell at 298 K : (Marks
Mg | Mg2+ (0.1 M) ||
Ag+ (0.1M) | Ag Given:
E°Mg2+ /
Mg = -2.37 V, E°Ag+/Ag = 0.8
V, R=8.31 JK-1
mol-1, F= 96500 C mol-1
Q15 With the help of
chemical reaction show how you convert 2-propanol to 1-bromopropane
in two steps? (Marks 2)
Q16) Give a chemical
test to distinguish between ethanol and propanol. Write the balance
chemical equation. (Marks 2)
Q17) Predict the
product of the following reaction and balance the equation:
(Marks 2)
heat (a)
C6H5OCH3 + HBr .gif)
NaOH(dil.) (b) CH3CHO
as catalyst
Q18) What is
Sandmeryer's reaction? Illustrate with a suitable example.
(Marks 2)
Q19) What are
interstitial compounds? Explain them with reference to transition
metals and mention their two important properties. (Marks
Q20) Using valence bond
approach, predict the shape and the magnetism (i.e. paramagnetic or
dia-magnetic) of [Co(CO)4]-. (Atomic number of
Co=27). (Marks 2)