Chemistry Class -
XII 2000 (CBSE) You are on Set lll questions
Q.1 Define the term denaturation in
relation of protein. (Mark 1)
Q.2 What are the properties of (i)
Ferromagnetic (ii) Ferroelectrics? Give an example of each type.
(Mark 2)
Q.3 (a) How and where is carbon-14 produced
in nature and how it is incorporated into living plant? (b) Write the
principle of radiocarbon dating. (Mark 3)
Q.4 Describe each one of the following
: (i) Linkage isomerism with an example. (ii) Magnetic behaviour of
Ni(CO)4. (Atomic number, Ni = 28) (iii) Preparation of
tetrabutyl lead. (Mark 3)