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Govt. Exams

Economics Class - XII 2000 (CBSE)
You are on Set lll

Q1 When will the gross domestic product of an economy be equal to its gross national product. (1 mark)

Q11 From the following data calculate value added by firms P and Q.

    Rs. (crores)
i. Purchases by firm P from firm Q 40
ii Sales by firm Q 90
iii Imports of Raw material by firm Q 10
iv Exports by firm Q 10
v Closing stock of firm P 30
vi Opening stock of firm P 20
vii Closing stock of firm Q 20
viii Opening stock of firm Q 25
ix Purchases by firm Q 60
x Sales by firm P to house holds 40
xi Sales by firm P to genral government 20  (3)

Q12  Distinguish between economic goods and non-economic goods.   (3 marks)

Q13   Calculate gross national product at factor cost from the following data :

    Rs. (crores)
i. Private final consumption expenditure 100
ii Net domestic fixed capital formation 150
iii Government final consumtion expenditure 350
iv Direct purchases abroad by resident households 50
v Gross domestic capital formation 40
vi Opening stock 60
vii Net indirect taxes 90
viii Imports 200
ix Exports 70
x Closing stock 40
xi Sales by firm P to genral government -(10)  (3)

Q15  Calculate national income from the following data :

    Rs. (crores)
i. Dividends 300
ii Rent 100
iii Wages and salaries 100
iv Corporation Tax 50
v Consumption of fixed capital 120
vi Net indirect taxes 20
vii Undistributed profits 50
viii Mixed income of self-employed 15
ix Interest 5
x Employer's contribution to social security schmes 30  (3)
xi Net factor income from abroad 20  (3)

Q25 Explain the reasons for the inverse relationshipbetween the price of a commodity and demand of it.

Q26 Explain the concept of equilibrium price with the help of market demand and supply schedules.

Q27 Briefly explain the main features of the Ricardian theory of rent.

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