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Govt. Exams

English - XII 1999(CBSE)
You are on Class questions 3 to 10


Q 3 (a) You are Manav/Manasi working as he Students's Representative on the School Development Committee. The committee is going to meet next week to prepare a Calendar of Activities for the School for the year 1999-2000. To ensure that you play your role effectively at the proposed meetingyou have decided to invite the students' suggestions on this subject. Write a notice in this regard innot more than 50 words to be put up on your school notice-board. (5 marks)

(b) You are Abhinav/Aakriti. You have received a letter from your close friend, inviting you to attend the      marriage of his sister. But unfortunately, you can not attend it due to your previous commitments.      Write him a letter regretting your inability to attend the marriage ceremony. (5 marks)

Q 4. You are Kushan/Kajol working for The Times of India as a reporter. Yesterday you were invited to attend a press conference called by the Chief Minister of delhi on "Unprecedented Price Rise of     Vegetables and Pulses." Write a report for the paper in not more than 100 words covering what the Chief Minister said to tackle this issue against the background of the forthcoming assembly elections.( 5 marks)   


You are Rajat/Ranjita. The other day you participated in an inter-school debate competition as a contestant, organized by the Lions Club of your area, in which you spoke for the motion and stood first. The topic for the debate was "In the opinion of the house, free education upto Secondary level is the fundamental right of every Indian child"" Write a reporton this event in not more than 100 words for publication in your school magazine.

Q 5. You are Amol/Anubha staying at 162, Kailash Hills, New Delhi. Last month, you bought a cordless     electric iron from 'Premier electronic Goods', South Extn., New Delhi against a warranty of 2 years.     Now you discover that there is something wrong with this iron. Its heat lasts hardly for a few seconds     after it is taken off the mains. Write a letter to the dealer complaining about it. Also request him to     change this defective iron against the warranty that goes with it (Word limit: 2000 words). (10 marks)


You are Aakanksha/Abhijeet staying in Kanishka Cooperative Group housing Society, Indira Nagar, Mumbai. There are no street lights on themain road leading to this colony. The road gets so dark after seven in the evenings in winter that the possibility of some major accident cannot be ruled out. Write a letter to the editor of a national daily drawing attention of the government to this serious problem of the residents of Indira Nagar. (Word limit: 200 words) (10 marks)

Q 6. While going to your school in the morning you noticed hundreds of men and women queuing up before    the vegetable booth of your locality. On inquiring you were told that they were waiting to buy 2 Kgs. Of    onion on their ration cards, which were available only at a very high price in the open market. In anguish    you decide to write an article for publication in a national daily, suggesting ways and means to overcome    this problem and avert its recurrence in future . (Word limit : 200 words) (10 marks)


This year children of many schools in Delhi took a vow not to use crackers and other fire-works on the occasion of Deepawali to reduce air and noise pollution and also to register their protest against the child labour involved in this industry. The next day, almost all the important national dailies published this news with great appreciation for this unique gesture on the part of the children. Getting motivated by this news, write an article on `Role of children in curbing Black-Marketing and Criminalization in Politics' for publication in the Education Times. (Word limit: 200 words.) (10 marks)

SECTION - C (Text Books)

Q 7. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:

The ground was too muddy and he slithered . He had hardly gone five yards when a stick caught him in the middle and he broke his back. A volley of blows reduced him to a squishy-squashy pulp of black and white jelly, spattered with blood and mud. His head was still undamaged.

(i) Name the lesson from which the above lines have been extracted. (1 mark)
(ii)  Who is the victim? (1 mark)
(iii)  Why could't he save himself from his attackers? (2 marks)
(iv)  Why did the attackers try to kill him? (1 mark)
(v)  Why did they avoid damaging his hood? (1 mark)
(vi)  Select words from the above passage which convey similar meanings:  (3 marks)
       (a) shower
       (b) mash
       (c) hurt

Q 8. Answer the following questions in 30-40 words each:

(i)  What causes the old tiger's death? (2 marks)
(ii)  Why does Charlie fail to attract Nancy in spite of his passionate love for her? (2 marks)
(iii)  Did Miss Stubbs have a knowledge of her impending death? Give a reason. (2 marks)
(iv)  Why did Mikali's fellow Aremenians chase him away? (2 marks)
(v)  Why did the 'Titanic look fascinating' just before diping into the sea? (2 marks)
(vi)  Both Robichon and Quinquart loved Brouette equally. Who did she say she would finally marry, and       why? (2 marks)
(vii)  What happened to life and property after the atom-bomb was dropped? (2 marks)
(viii)  Why did Cassius not ring up his white millionaire sponsors? Give two reasons.

Q 9. Imagine yourself to be a Gafur, the character in the story Drought by Sarat Chand Chatterjee. Being     persecuted by the village Zamindar you decide to leave the village. Justify your decision of leaving the     village in about 150 words. (10 marks)


`Both Mr. Patch and Miss Straw got the kind of spouse they had been looking for.' Point out relevant traits of their personality to justify this remark. (word limit : 150)

Q 10. 'A Man Who Had No Eyes is a story of two totally different outlooks on life.' Cite relevant instances       from the story to justify this remark. (Word limit : 150 ) (10 marks)


Fatima's parents wanted her to marry a man whom she despised. Do you think it was proper on the part of her parents to arrange such a marriage? Give at least three reasons in support of your view.
(Word limit:150)

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