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Govt. Exams

Geography Class - XII 2000 (CBSE)
You are on Set no 1 Qno. 13 to 20


Q13) "The Green Revolution was only the grain revolution". Write two facts one in favour and one against this statement along with a reason for each.

Q14) What changes have been brought about by the Indira Gandhi Canal in Western Rajasthan? Explain any four important points.

Q15) Study the following map of India and answer the questions that follow -

Q15.1) Name the Industrial regions marked as B and D.
Q15.2) Which major industry has developed in Region A.
Q15.3) Name a famous city located in Region 'C'.
Q15.4) Name one item, manufactured in region D which is very important for export.

Q16) Why has Punjab the highest density of roads? Explain five factors responsible for the same.

Q17) Describe five favourable conditions for the development of hydal power in India.

Q18) Write three main objectives of National Capital Region plan. Why are these objectives unachieved? Give two reasons.

Q19) In the outline map of India supplied to you mark and label the following at the appropriate location. 19.1) River Damodar 
19.2) Capital of Assam 
19.3) The state where Green Revolution was started.
19.4) The major part of Gujarat
19.5) Satpura Mountain Range.

Q20) For Blind students only. (In lieu of Q Nos. 7, 9, 15 and 19.)
Q20.1) Name:
Q20.1a) The mineral for which Bailadila mines are famous.
Q20.1b) Particular trade in which Parja Tribal people are skilled.
Q20.1c) The Tribe that inhabits Abhujmar Hills.
Q20.2a) Define Participation Rate.
Q20.2b) Why is participation rate of males more than that of females in India? Give one reason.
Q20.2c) What is the participation rate of females in India?
Q20.3a) What is an industrial complex?
Q20.3b) Why is Mumbai - Pune Industrial Complex so developed? Give one reason.
Q20.3c) Which industrial complex of India is famous for Jute Production.  
Q20.3d) Name one major port famous for exporting cotton textiles.
Q20.4a) Which river is called "The Ruhr of India"?
Q20.4b) What is the capital of Assam?
Q20.4c) Name the state where the Green Revolution was started.
Q20.4d) Name one port of Gujarat.
Q20.4e) Name the mountain ranges that lie between two rivers of the plateau region. 

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