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Govt. Exams

History Class - XII 1997(CBSE)
You are on questions of Set I

Maximum time : 3 hours
Maximum marks: 100


Q.1 Explain the inability of the Marathas to establish a strong empire in the 18th century. (5 marks)


What were the objectives of the commercial policy of the British East India Company after 1813?

Q.2 Mention two parliamentary Acts passed before 1800 dealing with the control of the British Government over the company's affairs in India. (2 marks)

Q.3 What were the major controversies in respect of education in early 19th century? How were they resolved by the Minutes of 1835? (8 marks)


What was the system of Subsidiary Alliance? How did it help the British to consolidate their position in India?

Q.4 Why were the British capitalists attracted to Indian industry during the second half of the 19th century? (5 marks)


What change did the British introduce in the Indian army after 1858?

Q.5 What, in your view, were some negative aspects in religious reform movements of the late 19th century? Give reasons in support of your answer. (5 marks)


Q.5 What were the changes in the British policy towards the rulers of the Indian states after 1857? What, in your view, was the main reason for these changes?

Q.6 Did the revolt of 1857 have a popular character? Give reasons in support of your answer? (5 marks)


How and why did caste weaken under the British rule? What did the Indian reformers do in this direction?.

Q.7 What commercial interests did the British have in Burma? (2 marks)

Q.8. What is meant by 'safety valve theory' for establishment of Indian National Congress? Do you think this theory provide an adequate explanation for the formation of the congress? Give reasons in support of your answers.
(8 marks)


What were the reasons for the growth of communalism among some sections of the Muslims from the late 19th century to early years of the 20th century? Explain with examples.

Q.9 Why is the Lukhnow session (1916) of congress an important landmark in our national Movement? (5 marks)


What were the main provisions of the Morley Minto Reforms of 1909?

Q.10. Explain the circumstances in which the Home rule Leagues were formed in 1915-1916. (8 marks)


Q. What understanding did the Government and the Congress reach under the Gandhi - Irvin Pact?

Q.11. With what objective did Gandhi start the Sabarmati Ashram? (2 marks)

Q.12 On the map of India provided, identify the territories held by the British, the ruler of Mysore, the Nizam, the Marathas and the Mughals in1765.


On the map of India provided show the location of any five factories/agencies belonging to each of the following powers: Holland, France, England, and Portugal.


Q.13. Why did Japan's emergence as a world power encourage Asian Nationalism? (2 marks)

Q.14. Describe the general causes behind the outbreak of the First World War. (5 marks)

Q.15 Why was the Italian invasion of Ethopia (1935) a major setback to the League of Nations? (2 marks)

Q.16 What did Russian leaders hoped to achieve through the dictatorship of the Proletariat? (2 marks)

Q.17. Explain the rapid growth of Chinese Nationalism during and after the First World War. (5 marks)


What were the reasons for the rise of Fascism in Germany?

Q.18 Trace the growth and the development of Non-alignment movement since its inception in1961. (8 marks)


Q. Mention major conferences held by the Allies between 1940 and 1945 . What were the main causes discussed at these conferences?

Q.19. What were the reasons for the crisis over Berlin in 1945? (5 marks)


Describe the factors responsible for the rapid collapse of Imperialism after the Second World War.

Q.20 Why did America become an important centre for artistic and literary works after the First World War? (2 marks)


Why is the year 1960 known as the African year?

Q.21. How was the Darwinian theory of evolution wrongly applied by some people?


What is meant by Meiji Restoration?

Q22. What themes would you commonly find in the paintings of Raja Ravi Verma? (2 marks)

Q.23. On the map of Africa provided, identify any five countries, which achieved independence between 1946 and 1960. (5 marks)


Q. On the map of Africa provided, identify any five countries, which had joined the non-alignment movement.

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