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Govt. Exams

History Class - XII 1998 (CBSE)
You are on questions of Set I

Maximum time: 3 hours
Maximum marks: 100


Q.1. Why have the Saiyid Brothers been called the 'kingmakers? (2 marks)

Q.2 Describe the conflicts between the English and the French companies in India in the 18th century. What were the causes of these conflicts and how and when were these conflicts finally resolved? (8 marks)


Q. Describe the system of Subsidiary Alliances introduced by the English East India Company's government in India. Give an assessment, with examples of the success of this system in the consolidation and expansion of the British Empire.

Q. 3. What were the causes of conflict between the English East India Company and Nawab Siraj -Ud -Daulah of Bengal? When and how did this conflict end? (5 marks)


Q. How did the concept of equality before law introduced by the British in India operate in practice?

Q.4 What were the causes of religious discontent against the British rule? How did they contribute to the outbreak of the revolt of 1857? (5 marks)


Q. Why did the modern educated Indians did not support the revolt of 1857?

Q.5. What were the causes of the sudden and quick collapse of Indian handicrafts industry under the British? What were its consequences?
(8 marks)


Mention the causes of stagnation and deterioration of Indian agriculture under the British. What was its impact on the Indian population?

Q.6 Mention the change in the attitude of the British towards the Indian Princely states after 1858.What were the reason for this change? (5 marks)


Mention the changes introduced by the British in the Indian Army after 1858. Why were these changes introduced?

Q.7. Mention the main contributions of Syyed Ahmed Khan in the field of education. (2 marks)

Q.8. What were the main differences that divided the Congress after the Non -Co-operation Movement? Describe the main activities in which the Congress leaders holding different views were involved? (5 marks)

Q.9. What were the British objectives in partitioning of Bengal in 1905? What were its consequences? (5 marks)


When and with what objective was the Ghadar Party established? Describe its activities during the First World War.

Q.10 What was the objective of the Khilafat Movement? (2 marks)

Q. 11. When and why did the congress decide to launch the civil -Disobedience movement? How was the movement started? Describe the main methods of struggle, which were adopted.


Q. Read the following statement made by Rabindranath Tagore while renouncing his Knighthood and answer the questions that follow: "The time has come when badges of honor make our shame glaring in their incongruous context of humiliation and I for my part wish to stand shorn of all special distinctions, by the side of my countrymen who, for their so called insignificance, are liable to suffer degradation not fit for human beings."

(1)Wat was the incident because of which Tagore renounced his knighthood?

(2)What were the developments that led to the incident?

(3)Discuss the impact of this incident on the struggle for freedom. (8 marks)

Q.12. On the given outline map of India, mark a show the following: Extent of the Maratha territory in 1805 with any four of its important centers. (5 marks)


On a given outline map of India mark and show the following: The place where Mangal Pande revolted in 1857 and the centres where the revolt was led by Rani Laxmi Bai, Nana Saheb and Hasrat Mahal.


Q.13. What is meant by 'western front' in the context of the First World War? (2 marks)

Q. 14 Why were the conflicts in Europe in early years of the 20th century connected with the dismemberment of the Ottoman Empire? Explain with examples. (5 marks)


What is meant by 'Second international'? Explain its attitude towards the danger of War in Europe before 1914 AD.

Q. 15. Do you agree with the view that the treaty of Versailles sowed seeds of the Second World War? Give reasons in support of your answer. (5 marks)


Q. Describe the economic policies followed by the Russian Government immediately after the success of the Bolshevik Revolution, Why were these policies given up in 1921?

Q. 16. In February 1933, the Reichstag building was set up on fire. How was this system made use of by Hitler? (2 marks)

Q.17. How was Czechoslovakia affected after the signing of the Munich pact? (2 marks)

Q.18. Why is the battle of Stalingrad considered important in the history of the Second World War? Explain. (5 marks)


Q. When did the USA enter the Second World War? Make an assessment of her role in influencing the outcome of the War.

Q.19. Describe the major European developments between 1945 and 1949, which created tensions between USA and the Soviet Union and led to the Cold War? (8 marks)


Q. When and why did USA send its troops to fight a war in Vietnam? Explain the factor that brought the war in Vietnam to an end.

Q.20. What is the theme of Pablo Picasso's painting 'Guernica'? (2 marks)

Q.21 Mention the names of any two writers of South Africa during the period of apartheid. (2 marks)


Q. When and who became the president of Africa when the rule of the white minority was ended?

Q. 22. Mention any one major scientific discovery of the 20TH century, which led to dangerous consequences for the human kind. (2 marks)

Q.23. On the given outline map of Europe, mark and show any five countries of Europe, which were ruled by the communist regime parties after the Second World War. (5 marks)


Q. On the given outline map of Europe mark and show any five countries which became members of the NATO.

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