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Govt. Exams

Political Science Class- XII 1998( CBSE)
You are on Set no 1 Questions

Q1.    Mention any two points of criticism of Fascism. (2)

Q2.    What is meant by coercive power of the state?  Is it unlimited?    (2)

Q3.    Mention any two Socialist Directive Principles of state policy.  (1+1=2)

Q4.    What do you mean by Natural rights?  Mention any one such right. (1+1=2)

Q5.    Give any two arguments in favour of universal adult franchise.  (1+1=2)

Q6.    What is an election manifesto?  Write its any one advantage. (1+1=2)

Q7.    Mention any two civic functions of Gram Panchayat. (1+1=2)

Q8.    Mention any two factors that encourage communalism. (1+1=2)

Q9.    What is meant by the poverty Line? (2)

Q10.   Mention any two functions of the Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes Commission. (1+1=2)

Q11.   Define law and give its any three important sources. (1+3=4)

Q12.   What do you understand by 'protective discrimination'?  Give any two examples pertaining to it.

Q13.   Explain the changing concept of state activity. (4)

Q14.   How do Directive Principles of State Policy help in establishing a welfare state in India?     (4)

Q15.   Distinguish between civil rights and political rights. Give one example of each. (2+1+1=4)

Q16.   Explain briefly simple majority system.  Point out one of its major shortcomings. (3+1=4)

Q17.   List out any two recognised regional political parties along with their election symbols. (4)

Q18.   Describe the composition of a Municipal Corporation.  Mention its any one obligatory function.      (3+1=4)

Q19.   What do you understand by regional imbalances? (4)

Q20.   What is planning?  Explain the composition of the Planning Commission of India. (1+3=4)

Q21.   'The Welfare state is the ideal of modern liberalism.' Comment on this  statement. (8)

Q22.   Examine the place of fundamental duties in the constitution of India.  Mention any four such duties.  (4+4=8)

Q23.   What are interest groups?  Distinguish between political parties and interest groups.  Mention   political parties and interest groups.  Mention any two Indian interest groups relating to industry  and commerce. (3+3+2=8)

Q23.   What do you understand by public opinion?  Describe the main hinderances in the formation  of sound public opinion. (8)

Q24.   Explain the policies and programmes of the Bharatiya Janta Party.      (8)

Q24.   Explain the factors which have played vital role in determining the pattern of Indian Party System. (8)

Q25.   Critically examine India's relations with the United states of America (U.S.A.) (8)

Q25.   Evaluate India's contribution to the United Nations in its efforts for maintaining world peace. (8)

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