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Govt. Exams

Political Science Class- XII 2000( CBSE)
You are on questions of Set I

Q.1 What do you understand by Fascism?

Q.2. Explain a 'Laissez - faire state'?

Q.3. Describe any two Directive Principles related to the welfare of women in India?

Q.4. "Rights imply duties." Comment?

Q.5. What do you understand by proportional representation?

Q.6. Describe any two tests of a good electoral system?

Q.7. Mention any two advantages of the multi-party system?

Q.8. Mention any two hindrances in the formulation of sound public opinion in India?

Q.9. Describe any two tiers of Panchayati Raj in India?

Q.10.State any two functions of the National Development Council?

Q.11.What are the two main characteristics of a good law? Give two reasons why do we obey laws?

Q.12.How far is it correct to say that Liberty and equality are complementary to each other?

Q.13.Mention any two obligatory and any two voluntary functions of the modern state ?

Q.14.How far is it correct to say that India is a welfare state?

Q.15.Elaborate the differences between territorial and functional representation?

Q.16.Describe any four functions of the Election Commission of India ?

Q.17."Majorityis not enough, and unanimity is not required for the formation of Public Opinion? comment?

Q.18.Describe the composition and functions of a Municipal Corporation in India?

Q.19.Briefly explain with examples any two kinds of rights?

Q.20.Describe any four important functions of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Commission in India?

Q.21.Describe any four main tenets of Gandhism? What is the relevance of Gandhism today?


Socialism emerged as a reaction to the rise and development of capitalism. Discuss ?

Q.22.Explain the significance of the Right to Constitutional Remedies and Right Against Exploitation incorporated in the Indian Constitution ?


What are the six freedoms guaranteed under Artile 19 of the Indian Constitution? Under what circumstances can these be suspended?

Q.23.Discuss the role of opposition parties in India?


Write a brief note on the programmes and polices of the Conress Party of India?

Q.24. What is the difference between 'Regionalism" and "Separatism"? What are the factors responsible for the growth of regionalism in India?


What are the causes of the growth of communalism in India ? How can we curbit?

Q.25. Discuss India's changing relations with the U.S.A.?


Discuss briefly India's role in the non-aligned movement?

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