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Govt. Exams

  Accounts - 1997 (I.C.S.E)
You are on questions 4 to 6



Q 4 Ms. Bubble and Mr. Blow, each doing business as sole proprietors, started a partnership 'Glow Food Products' on 1st April, 1993. Mr. Blow brought in machinery valued at Rs. 5,50,000 where as Ms. Bubble brought in office Equipment costing Rs. 50,000 and 50% of a Legacy of Rs. 15,00,000 she had inherited .Mid-year on 30-9-1993, Mr. Blow invested Rs. 1,00,000 as Loan Capital.but claimed interest @ 20% p.a. (agreed upon because the firm needed working capital).
Their Deed duly registered reflects :

(a) Interest on Capital allowed @ 10% p.a. Interest on Drawings @ 20% p.a. to be charged only on the monthly uniform drawings of each.

(b) Loan capital if introduced , bears interest (to be reflected in the capital a/c)

(c) A holiday allowance of Rs. 7,000 each to be appropriated from the yearly Net profit (drawn in cash  on 30th september  of the year by each of them)

(d) Accounts for an entertainment allowance for Mr. Blow,@ Rs. 1,000 per month.

(e) Accounts for a 2% commission earning on gross profit for Ms. Bubble (G.P. =5 times the year's N.P. in the first year .)

(f)  The maximum permissible amount of monthly drawings is Rs. 5,000 each -whilst Mr. Blow withdrew this amount ,Ms. Bubble drew only Rs. 3,000 per month .

Compile the profit and loss appropriation A/c. for the first year and partner's personal accounts . Their profits & loss A/c. reflected a credit balance  of Rs. 2,10,000 for 1993-94. 

Q 5
Dr. Rog-Research, a  ' Bharat Ratna ' recipient , reports the following balance sheet as on 31-3-1994.

            Balance   Sheet as on 31-3-94

   liabilities    amount Rs. Assets  amount Rs.
Capital 7,30,000 Land bought (development work not started) 1,00,000
Research Wing Fund through Govt. Aid 6,50,000 Client & Equipment 5,00,000
5% Bank Loan 40,000 Research Wing (in use from 93-94) 5,85,000
Subscription-for Research leaflet 6000 Advanced against order for Laser Equipment 1,30,000
    Pre-paid Insurance for varied policies 10,000
    Stock of  Medicines 40,000
    Advance against wages to employees 5,000
  _________ Cash & Bank 56,000___
  14,26,000   14,26,000
His auditor reports the following summary of cash received and paid, during April 1994-March 1995.
Receipts & Payments A/c for the year ended  31.3.1995
Particulars Amount particulars Amount
To Balance 56,000 By Expenses-as needed 92,000
To Honorarium -weekly lectures to medical students 45,000 By expenses on research activity 80,000
To Subscription-Research leaflet 51,000 By Medicines 55,000
To Consultation Fees 2,10,000 By final instalment of advanced for laser equipment (paid on 31-3-95) 20,000
To Dispensing Fees 96,000 By Wages 80,000
To Special Govt. Grant for Research 80,000 By Interest on loan 1,500
    By Drawings (including for LIC and IT) 1,40,000
  _______ By Balances 69,500
  5,38,000   5,38,000

Adjustments :-
                 (1) Depreciation of assets being used @ 10% p.a. on W . D .V method.

                 (2) 500 subscribers to the Research Leaflet for 1994-95 to pay Rs. 100 annually.

                 (3) Stock of medicines Rs. 38,000 on  31-3-95.

Compile the doctor's final accounts for 1994-95.

Q 6
(a) Give complete journal/entries for each of the following miscellaneous lot of  transactions :

(i) Accounting the closing stock at the end of the year , which is given as Rs. 46,000, an overvaluation  by 15%.

(ii) Closing entry for Depreciation A/c., which is debited with Rs. 75,000 and credited  by Rs. 6,000(excess depreciation written off duly rectified).

(iii) The entry to account for the year's net profit of Rs. 1,20,000 earned by M/S Reputed for honesty Co., whose owners compile the required account annually to reflect the distribution of profits earned , in accordance with their Deed.

(iv) The entry to close the profit on sale of furniture A/c .reflecting an amount of Rs. 6,800.

(v) Account for an account payee cheque for  rupee fifty lakhs received by 'homes for the Homeless '(a reputed social welfare organisation )to augment their Housing Fund A/c.

(vi) Closing entry for Returns Inward A/c Rs. 15,000.

Q 6 (b) Extract from the ledger of north India Activities Club for April 92 to March 93,having a membership of 4,000. subscribing Rs. 50 each annually.

Subscription A/c


Date Particulars JF Rs. Date Particulars JF Rs.
        received during the year By Cash/Bank   1,80,000

Note :- The subscription A/c includes Rs. 5,000 and Rs. 4,500 of the accounting years ending on 31-3-92 and 31-3-94 respectively . The treasure reports  that Rs. 3,500 reflected as a current liability in the balance sheet as on 31-3-92.

As your answers ,with reference to 'subscription', indicate the rupee-values  only for each of the following : E>G>'Rs. ........'.

(i) Current assets as on 31-3-1992.

(ii) Current asset as on 31-3-1993.

(iii) Amount received  totally as Revenue Receipts during 1992-93.

(iv) Current Liability as on 31-3-1993.

(v) Revenue Income for the year 1-4-1992 to 31-3-1993. 

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