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Govt. Exams

  Accounts - 1998 (I.C.S.E)
You on questions 4 to 6


Q 4 (a) M/s Ram and Rahim in the construction line bought three cement mixers costing Rs120000 each on July 1, 1995. They expected  to fetch a scrap value of Rs 20000 per mixer after using each of them for four years.
Accordingly, the Fixed Installments Method was used for two accounting years. At the end of the second accounting year, one mixer was sold off, fetching an immediate cheque payment of Rs 50000
From April 1, 1997, it was decided to apply the written Down Value Method @30% p.a for depreciation. Prepare the current mixtures A/c for three years ending on 31-3-1998, incorporating the above data. 

Q 4(b) Answer the following questions , based on the data given :
i)Value of Capital Employed
ii)Value of Quick Assets
iii)Value of Non-Quick Liabilitiesa
iv)State the equation for and then work out the Debt Equity Ratio.
Balance Sheet of Mr. Go Getter as on 31-3-1997

      Rs      Rs
Capital 90000 Goodwill 25000
Reserve 10000 Fixed Assets 60000
Long- term loans 20000 Investment 20000
Creditors 7000 Debtors 8000
Bank O.D 3000 Cash & Bank 5000
Accruals 5800 Accruals 1400
Income of the coming year 600 Pre-paid & Deferred expenses 2000
Stock 15000

Q 5 River, Well, Spring and Lake are in partnership. Their firm name is Plentiful Waters & co.They have mutually agreed to :
(i) Allow Interest on Capital @ 15% p.a.
(ii) Charge Interest on Drawing @ 10% p.a.
(iii) Accept Well's claim for a salary of Rs.6000 per month for six months only for round the clock work put in by him in the drought stricken areas
(iv)Charge an annual allowance of Rs.1500 per two months per partner to the buisness to help cover expenses and compete successfully with cut-throat competition
(v) River and Well have each contributed equally towards total Loan Capital of Rs.10,00,000  borrowed by the firm from them.
(vi) Rs.20000 p.a. is set aside as Reserve if the Net profit available for appropriation is greater than Rs.5,10,000.
(vii) For sharing the residue of profits, River's profit share is 50% . Partners Well, Spring , and Lake get their share from the remaining profit in the ratio of 2 : 2: 1
The required data for the year 1-4-95 to 31-1-96 is-
(a) Capital- River Rs. 6,00,000 , Well Rs.400000 Spring and Lake 500000 Rs. each
(b) Each withdrew 10% of their opening capital balances as on 1-4-95 as drawings for the years .
(c) The years net profit b/d from the Profit / Loss A/c is reported as Rs.5,06,000.   Its scrutiny reveals that the partners annual allowance was debited in the P/L A/c and that Rs.20000 payable to the buisness manager as his special commission had not been accounted for at all.

Compile the Profit and Loss Appropriation A/c only.using the facts and financial data given. 

Q 6 Compile final accounts for the club for the year ending 31-3-1996.
Active action Club Balance Sheet as on 31-3-1995.

Club Fund (includes all legacies received 35,000 Land 3,00,000
Income & Expenditure A/c credit Balance 25,000 Furniture & Sports Equipment 64,000
Sports Complex Fund 10,00,000 Sports Complex in use Refreshment Room - Stock of supplies 5,800
    Cash & bank 5,200
  13,75,000   13,75,000
Receipts & Payment A/c for the year ended 31-3-1996
Particulars Rs Particulars Rs
To Cash & Bank balances 5,200 By Refreshment Room-supplies 75,000
To Life Membership Fees (capitalised 40%) 60,000 By Honorarium to Coaches 35,000
To Grant 60,000 By Annual Celebrations 45,000
To Annual Celebrations - Receipts 60,000 By Investment short term 2,75,000
To Legacy (by the will of Late Mr. Go Ahead, founder President) 7,00,000 By Extension to Sports Complex (under construction as yet) 4,50,000
To Refreshment Room Receipts 1,20,000 By Club expenses 37,400
    By expenses on activities 60,000
    By Cash & Bank balances 27,800
  10,05,200   10,05,200

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