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Govt. Exams

Biology - 1998 ( I.C.S.E)
You are on Questions - 1 & 2

Time:One Hour and a Half

-Answer to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately.
-You will NOT be allowed to write during the firs 15 minutes.
-This time is to be spent in reading the question paper.
-The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writting the answers.
-The question paper is divided into two Sections.
-Section I contains one questions with five parts (a) to (e); all five parts are to be answered.
-Section II contains six questions numbered 2 to 7. You are to answer any four of these questions.
-The intented marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets
[ ].

Section-I 40 (Marks)

Q 1 (a) Name the following :
(i) The duct which transports urine from the kidney to the urinary bladder.
(ii) the endocrine gland which produces emergency hormone .
(iii) The sheet of muscle between the thorax and the abdomen of man.
(iv) The fluid that is present inside and outside the brain.
(v) The opening though which light enters the eyes.
(vi) Openings on the stem through which transpiration occurs.
(vii) The organ in man concerned with maintaining water balance in the body.
(viii) The photosensitive pigment present in the 'rod' cells in the retina.

Q 1 (b) Select the correct answer out of  four available choices given under each question. Rewrite the correct answer from I to VIII :

(I) Osmosis involves diffusion of :
(i) suspended particles  from lower to higher concentration.
(ii) suspended particles  from higher to lower concentration.
(iii) water from the more concentration solution to the less concentrated solution.
(iv) water from the less concentration solution to the more concentrated solution.

(II)  Transpiration pull will be maximum under which of the following conditions?
(i) open stomata, dry atmosphere  and  moist soil.
(ii) open stomata, high humid atmosphere and well irrigated soil.
(iii)  open stomata, high humid atmosphere and dry soil.
(iv) closed stomata, dry atmosphere  and  moist soil.

(III) If the  rate of respiration becomes more than the rate of photosynthesis, plants will :
(i) continue to live , but  will not be able to store food.
(ii) Be killed instantly.
(iii) grow more vigorously because more energy will be available.
(iv) stop growing and gradually die of starvation.

(IV) Which one of these reactions occurs during photosynthesis ?
(i) carbon dioxide is reduced and water is oxidised.
(ii) water is reduced and carbon dioxide is oxidised.
(iii)  carbon dioxide and water are both oxidised
(iv)  carbon dioxide and water are both reduced.

(V) Excretion  commonly involves :
(i) removal of all by-products during catabolism.
(ii) removal of by-products during anabolism.
(iii) removal of nitrogenous waste.
(iv) all of the above.

(VI) In mammals , the cropus callosum connects :
(i) the two optic lobes.
(ii) the two cerebral hemispheres.
(iii) the two cerebrum to the cerebellum.
(iv) the pons to the medulla oblongata.

(VII) which of the following is the route that a sperm follows when it leaves the testis of a mammal ?
(i) Vas deferens ->  eqpididymis -> urethra.
(ii) urethra-> eqididymis->  vas deferens.
(iii) epididymis -> urethra ->  vas deferens
(iv) eqididymis ->  vas deferens ->    urethra.

(VIII) Which one of the following NOT a function  of WHO ?
(i)  Maintaining statistical health records for most countries.
(ii) Preparetion and marketing of new medicines.
(iii) Regulateing international quarantine work.
(iv) Playing an important role in the eradication of epidemic and endemic diseases.

Q 1(c) Given below is an example of a certain structure and its special functional activity e.g. Kidney and excretion. On a similar pattern fill in the blanks :
(i) Ribosomes and ......................................
(ii) Blood platelets and ................................
(iii) Cochlea and .........................................
(iv) Hydathodes and ..................................
(v) Alveoli and ...........................................
(vi) Chloroplasts and .................................
(vii) Meninges and ....................................
(viii) Neutrophils and ................................

Q 1(d) Choose the odd one in each of the following :
Example : Calyx , Corolla, style , Androecium.
Answer : style
i)Insulin , Blood sugar, Andrenalin , Thyroxine
ii)Oestrogen, Progesterone, Testosterone , Prolactin
iii)Larynx, Pancrease , Testis , Ovary
iv)Cerebrum , Cranium , Cerebellum , Pons
v)Cell wall, Plastids , Large Vacuole , Centrosome
vi)Cortex , Pelvis , Retina , Medulla
vii)Trachea , Bronchus , Alveolus , Diaphgram
viii)Phenol , Boric acid , Iodine , Mercurochrome.

Q 1 (e) Which of the statements in Coloum II are appropriate for the items listed in Coloum I ? Rewrite the correct matching pairs :

Column I        Column II
1)The blind spot      a) carries impulses away from the brain and spinal cord.
2)The yellow spot           b)carries impulses towards  the brain and spinal cord
3)The stroma       c)is the place for aerobic respiration.
4)The grana        d)is the place for dark reaction of photosynthesis
5)Cretinism e)is the place through which transpiration takes place.
6)Myxoedema            f)is the place for light reaction of  photosynthesis
7)Afferent neuron         g)is the number of deaths in a specified number of time
8)Mortality                                       h)is the number of live births in a specified period of time
  i)is free of rod cells.
  j)is the exact centre of the posterior portion of  the retina
  k)is a condition due to undersecretion of thyroxine in an adult.
  l)is a condition due to lack of thyroxine in a child.


Q 2 (a) The following simplified diagram refers to the outline plan of the circulation of blood in a mammal.  Study the diagram and write the number and the name of the blood vessel in each case as mentioned under :

(i) several hours after a meal containing a lot of protein, which vessel will contain the highest concentration of urea ?

(ii)Which vessel would contain the highest concentration of amino acids and glucose soon after a
meal ?

(iii)Which vessel begins and  ends in capillaries ?

(iv)Which vessel will contain the smallest number of red blood cell per unit volume of blood ?

(v)In which vessel will the blood carry the most oxyhaemoglobin ?

Q 2 (b) Explain briefly the role of the following health aids :
( i)Antiseptics
(ii) Disinfectants
(v) Vaccines


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