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Govt. Exams

Biology - 1999 ( I.C.S.E)
You are on questions 1 to 3

- Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately.
- You will NOT be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes.
- This time is to be spent  in reading the question paper.
- This time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.

-The question paper is divided into two Sections.
- Section A contains one question with six parts (a) to (f) ;all six parts are to be answered.
- Section B contains six questions numbered 2 to7 .You are to answer any four of these questions.
- The intended marks for questions or parts of questions,are given in brackets[].

  SECTION-A   (40 Marks)
(one Hour and a Half)

Compulsory :Answer all parts in the Section.

Q 1 (a)Name the following :
(i)The cavity in the body in which the   human lungs are located .
(ii) The soluble protein present  in blood plasma responsible for clotting.
(iii)The parts of the female reproductive system where fertilisation takes place.
(iv)The organisation that provides help and relief to victims of flood.
(v)The process by which leucocytes engulf and destroy bacteria.
(vi) Respiratory openings found on stems of water in the form of droplets.
(viii)plants that prepare their own food from basic raw materials.

Q 1(b)complete the following statements (i) to (vi) by choosing the correct alternative from those given in brackets:
(i) The protective covering of lungs is the (pericardium,pleura,diaphragm).
(ii) Bacteria found in the nodules of leguminous plants are (saprophytic,parasitic, symbiotic) in nature .
(iii)The gaseous pollutant which causes acid rain is (carbon monoxide,Carbon dioxide, Nitrogen  dioxide).
(iv) The valve present between the left atrium and the left ventricle is the (tricuspid valve, bicuspid valve ,semiluar valve).
(v) The blood versel supplying blood to the kidney is the (renal vein, renal artery, dorsal aorta).
(vi) which of the following is an insecticide ?(Phenol ,DDT, carbolic acid)

Q 1(c) (i) State whether the following statements are True or False:
1.Deafness is caused due to the rupturing of the pinna.
2.Penicillin  obtained from Penicillium notatum is an antibody .
3.The  percentage  of oxygen in ins pired air is 16.4.
4.cells that have lost their  water content are said to be deplasmolysed.
5.Photosynhesis result in loss of the dry weight of the plant .
6.Xylem is the water conducting tissue in plants .

(ii) Rewrite  the false statement from 1 to 6 above in their correct form by changing  the first or the last word only .

Q 1(d)  Complete the following table by filling in the blank space numbered1 to 6:

Structure Function
Yellow spot 1
2 Filled with sap mostly in plants.
3 Produces male gametes in man .
Erythrocytes 4
Grana of chlorophyll 5
6 Transfers urine outside the body


Q 1 (e) Given below is the diagram of the Human   Ear .Study the same and then answer the question that follow :

(i) what role does the ear drum play in hearing ?
(ii) What common term is given to the parts labeled A,B and E?
(iii) Would there be any difference if these three parts mentioned in 'ii' above were replaced  by one big one?Why?
(iv)Give the biological tem for the parts mentioned in 'iv'above.
(vi)State the functions of the ear.

Q 1 (f) Given below is a simple diagram of the human kidney cut open longitudinally . Answer the following questions :

1. Give the definition of excretion .
2. Name the units of kidney .
3. Why does the cortex of the kidney show a 'dotted' appearance ?
4. Mention two functions of the kidney .
5. Write two differences in the composition of the blood flowing through blood vessels A and B.

Section-B  (40 marks)
Attempt any four questions in this Section .

Q 2 (a) The apparatus given below was set up to demonstrate a particular process occurring in plants . Study the same and then answer the questions that follow :

(i) Name the process .
(ii) What is the object of the experiment ?
(iii) Why is soda lime placed in the tube ?
(iv) What change , if any, would you observe in the lime water in Flask A and in Flask B ? In each case give a reason for your answer .s
(v) Mention one precaution that should be taken to ensure more accurate results .
(vi) Give an overall balanced chemical equation to represent the process .

Q 2 (b) Briefly describe the functions of the following :
(i) Epiglottis
(ii) Scrotum
(iii) Alveoli
(iv) Placenta


Q 3 (a)

(i) Given alongside is the outline of the human body . Redraw the same and then place the following organs in their correct position and label them .
1. Thyroid glands .
2. Windpipe .
3. Diaphragm .
4. Right and left lung .
5. Right and left kidney .
6. Adrenal glands .
(ii) Name the hormone produced by the thyroid gland and state its function in the body .
(ii) What would a child suffer from if there was hyposecretion of this gland ?
(iii) What role does the diaphragm play in inspiration of air ? Explain briefly .

Q 3 (b) Mention one point of difference between the following on the basis of what is given in brackets .
i) Respiration and Photosynthesis (Gas released )
ii) Cerebrum and Cerebellum (Function)
iii) Antibody and Antibiotic (Source)
iv) Red blood corpuscle and White blood corpuscle (Structure )


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