Q 1 (a)(i)How
fast should a man weighing 60 Kg run so that his Kinetic energy is
750 J?
(ii) A body of mass 1 Kg is thrown vertically
up with an initial sped of 5 m/s. What is the magnitude and
direction of force due to gravity acting on the body when it is at
its highest point?
Q 1 (b)Diagram given
below shows a weightless lever in equilibrium. Neglect friction at
the fulcrum F.
 (i) State the principle of moments as applied to the
above lever.
(ii) Define mechanical advantage and
calculate its value for the given lever.
(iii) Name the type of lever which has
mechanical advantage greater than 1.
Q 1 (c) A body
weighs 20 gf in air, 18.2 gf in a liquid and 18.0 gf in
water. Calculate: (i) The relative density of the body , and
(ii) The relative density of the
Q 1 (d) (i)
Define 'Specific latent heat of fusion of ice'. Give its S.I
(ii) What is the effect of increase in
pressure on the melting point of ice and boiling point of water
Q 1 (e)Diagram 2
below shows a right angled prism of refractive index 1.5. An object
PQ is placed in front of its base BC.
 Copy the
(i)Complete the diagram showing the image produced
by the prism.
(ii)Name an instrument in which such prism is
Q 1 (f)Diagram
3 below shows an object AB placed on the principal axis of a convex
lens placed in air. F1 and F2 are two foci of
the lens.
 Copy the diagram.
(i) Draw a ray of light
starting from B and passing through O. Show the same ray after
refraction by the lens.
(ii) Draw another ray from B which passes
through F2 after refraction by the lens.
(iii) Locate the final image formed .
(iv) Is the image real or virtual ?
Q 1 (g) In the
nuclear reaction given below, a nucleus X changes to another nucleus
Y. 88X226 ---> Y - a +
(i) What are the atomic and mass numbers of Y ?
(ii) Name the gas formed when the a-
particles acquires two electrons.
(iii) What is the effect on the motion of the
a- particle when it passes through a region containing a magnetic
field ?
Q 1 (h) Diagram 4
below shows a circuit containing a coil wound on a long and thin
hollow cardboard tube.
 Copy the diagram.
i) Show the polarity acquired
by each face of the solenoid.
ii) Draw the magnetic lines of force inside
the coil and also show their directions.
iii) Mention two methods to increase the
strength of the magnetic field inside the coil.
Q 1 (i)Ultra-violet
light falls on a dry zinc plate.
i) Name the particles
emitted from the plate.
ii)What is the nature of charge acquired by
the plate ?
iii) Name the phenomenon that takes
iv) Name one of the devices based upon the
above phenomenon.
Q 1 (j)(i) Give
one example each of the materials suitable for making 1.
Fuse wire and 2. Heater element
(ii) Define angle of dip. At what places on earth
will the angle of dip be 1. Maximum and 2. Minimum
Q 2(a) A block of mass 30 Kg is
pulled up a slope (Diagram 5 below) with a constant speed by
applying a force of 200 N parallel to the slope. A and B are initial
and final position of the block.
 (i) Calculate the work done
by the force in moving the block from A to B
(ii) Calculate the potential energy gained by
the block.
Q 2 (b) Diagram 6 below gives an
arrangement of single moving pulleys. Copy the diagram
 If the effort
applied at the free end of the string is E,
(i) show the
direction and magnitude of the forces exerted by the four strings
marked (1) to (4).
(ii) what is the load which can be lifted by
the effort ?
(iii) calculate the mechanical advantage of
the system of pulleys.
Q 2 (c) A block of wood is floating in
water. The portion of the block inside water measures 50 cm x 50 cm
x 50 cm. What is the magnitude of the buoyancy force acting on the
block ?
Q 3(a) A piece of metal at
10oC has a mass of 50g. When it is immersed in a current
of steam at 100oC,0.7g of steam is condensed on it.
Calculate the specific heat of of the metal. Given : Latent heat
of steam = 540 Cal/g.
Q 3 (b) Explain briefly :
Why hot water bottles are very efficient for fomentation ?
(ii) How human body temperature is maintained
at normal value (37oC) when the atmospheric temperature
rises as high as 45oC?
Q 4(a)
(i) State Snell's law of
refraction of light.
(ii) Diagram 7 below shows a glass prism
placed in minimum deviation position. A ray of monochromatic light
is incident on it's face AB.
Copy the diagram and show the
refracted ray and the emergent ray. Mark the angle of
deviation. State any two factors on which the angle of deviation
Q 4 (b)
(i) Define dispersion of
(ii) Explain briefly how white light gets
dispersed by a prism.
(iii) What is an impure spectrum?
Q 5(a)
(i) State any two
characteristics of a wave motion.
(ii) What is the relation between frequency,
wavelength and speed of a wave?
(iii) A longitudinal wave of wavelength 1cm
travels in air with a speed of 330m/s. Calculate the frequency of
the wave. Can this wave be heard by a normal human being?
Q 5 (b) Two waves A and B have
wavelengths 0.01 Ao and 9000 Ao
(i) Name the two waves.
(ii) Are the speeds of these two waves equal
when they travel in vacuum ?
(iii) If the amplitude of a wave is doubled,
what will be the effects on its loudness?
Q 6(a) Given below is the circuit
diagram (Diagram 8) in which three resistances 1 ohm, 2 ohm, 3 ohm
are connected to a cell of e.m.f. 2 V and internal resistance 0.5

(i) Calculate the total resistance of the
(ii) What is the reading of the ammeter ?
(iii) What will be the ammeter reading if an
exactly similar cell is connected in series with the given cell
Q 6 (b)
(i) Draw the neat labeled
diagram of an a.c. generator.
(ii) What is the magnitude of the e.m.f.
induced in the coil when its plane becomes parallel to the magnetic
field ?
Q 7(a)
(i) Draw a labeled circuit
diagram of a full-wave rectifier using two diodes.
(ii) Why is diode called a valve?
(iii) Draw two diagrams one above another,
one showing the input and the other showing the output in the above
Q 7 (b) (i) Draw a neat labeled
diagram of a modern X- ray tube.
(ii) What is the mechanism of energy
production in a fission reaction?