Physics -
2000 (ICSE) You are on questions
-Answer all Questions from Part I
and six questions from Part II, choosing two questions
from each of the Section A, B and C. -All working, including
rough work, should be done on the same sheet as, and adjacent
to, the rest of the answer. -The intended marks for questions or
parts of questions are given in brackets ( ). -Material to be
supplied: Log tables including Trigonometric functions -A list of
useful physical constants is given at the end of this paper.
Q 1Answer all questions
briefly and to the point:- (Marks 20) (i)
State Gauss's theorem of electrostatics. (ii) An alpha
particle is accelerated through a potential difference of 2000 volt.
What will be the increase in its energy in electron
volt? (iii) Assuming the earth as an isolated spherical
conductor of radius 6400 km, calculate its electrical capacitance in
farad. (iv) If the potential difference applied across a
variable resistor is constant, draw a graph between the current in
the resistor and the resistance. (v) Find the equivalent
resistance between the point 'a' and 'c' of the given network of
resistors (See Fig. 1).
(vi) Show with a
labelled graph how thermo-emf varies with the temperature of the hot
junction of a thermocouple. (vii) What is the function of
shunt in an ammeter? (viii) What is meant by 'Wattless'
current? (ix) Name the physical principle and one
advantage in the use of optical fibers. (x) Can two
independent monochromatic source of light be coherent? Explain very
briefly. (xi) What is the relation between the refractive
indices n1 and n2 if the behaviour of light
rays is as shown in the following Fig. 2?
n1 and n2 are the refractive indices of the
surrounding medium and the lens respectively. (xii) What
is the principle of global communication by
satellites? (xiii) State Brewster's law for polarisation
of light. (xiv) Two thin lenses-one convex and the other
concave - of focal lengths 15 cm and 20 cm respectively are put in
contact. Find the focal length of the doublet lens. (xv)
Two stars three and four light years away from the earth have same
luminous intensity. Find the ration of the illuminance (intensity of
illumination) on the surface of the earth, normal to the starlight,
produced by each star. (xvi) The historic experiment on
the diffraction of electron confirmed a new nature of electron. What
is this new nature of electron? Who had proposed
it? (xvii) Explain briefly why there is a maximum
frequency for the X-rays produced by an X-ray tube operating at a
certain voltage. (xviii) Draw circuit diagrams to
illustrate forward biasing and reverse biasing of a
diode. (xix) Name two alternative sources of energy and
mention where they can be used. (xx) The half-life period
of a radioactive substance is 16 hours. After how much time will
6.25% of the material remain undecayed?
Answer six question in this
part, choosing two questions each from the Sections A, B and
two questions
Q 2
(a) Derive
an expression for the electric potential at a point due to a point
charge. (Marks 4)
Q 2 (b) An electric flash
lamp has 20 capacitors each of capacitance 5 F connected in parallel. The lamp is
operated at 100 volt. Calculate how much energy will be radiated in
a flash. (Marks 3)
Q 2 (c) Name one material
whose resistivity decreases with rise in temperature. Explain
briefly on the basis of free electron theory why the resistivity
decreases. (Marks 2)
Q 3 (a) State and explain Kirchoff's laws for
electric circuits. What are the conservation laws implied in each
law? State the sign convention for current and emf. Use the Fig. 3
given below for your explanation. (Marks 4)
Q 3 (b) An electron is moving
vertically upwards in the uniform magnetic field of the earth. The
velocity of the electron is 2.0 x 106 m/s and the
horizontal component of earth's magnetic field is 0.32 x
10-4 tesla. Obtain the magnitude and direction of the
force on the electron. (Marks 3)
Q 3 (c) Permanent magnets are made of special
alloy while the core of temporary magnets are made of soft iron.
Why? (Marks 2)
Q 4 (a) Define self inductance. Obtain the
expression for the self inductance of a solenoid, explaining steps
with the help of a diagram. (Marks 3)
Q 4 (b) What is meant by back emf in a
dc motor? The back emf in a dc motor, delivering 3 kilowatts of
mechanical power, is 180 volts when operating on 220 volt line.
Determine the armature current and the motor resistance. (Marks
Q 4 (c) In an
LCR circuit with all components connected in series, the emf and the
current flowing in the circuit are given by the following
= 200 sin (314t + /6) volts I = 5 sin 314 t
ampere Obtain: (i) the peak values of current and emf. (ii)
the frequency of the ac source. (iii) the phase difference
between current and emf. (Marks 3)
two questions.
Q 5 (a)
State Huygens'
principle. Explain with the help of a diagram the phenomenon of
refraction of waves on the basis of this principle. (Marks
Q 5 (b) What is
chromatic aberration in lenses? State the necessary condition for an
achromatic doublet. How are these conditions practically achieved?
(Marks 3)
Q 5 (c) Fraunhofer
diffraction from a single slit of width 1.0 m is observed with light of
wavelength 500 nm. Calculate the half angular width of the central
maximum. (Marks 2)
Q 6 (a) Draw a neat ray
diagram of a simple microscope. Deduce the formula for its angular
magnification when the image is formed at the least distance of
distinct vision. (Marks 3)
Q 6 (b) A beam of
monochromatic light of wavelength 500 nm falls on two parallel
slits. The distance between the slits is 0.15 mm. Determine the
width of the interference fringes on a screen placed at a distance
of 1.5 m from the slits. (Marks 3)
Q 6 (c) Draw
a sketch of electromagnetic spectrum, showing relative positions of
UV, IR, X-rays and microwaves with respect to visible light. State
approximate wavelengths of any two. (Marks 2)
Q 7 (a)
With the help
of neat diagram describe with theory, Michelson's method for the
determination of the speed of light. What is the presently accepted
nine digit value of the speed of light? (Marks 4)
7 (b) What is meant by pure and impure spectrum? Explain briefly
how you will set up a spectrometer to obtain pure spectrum. Draw a
diagram of a spectrometer and describe its parts. (Marks
two questions.
Q 8 (a)
The ionisation
potential of hydrogen atom is 13.6 volt. Draw the energy level
diagram showing four levels. Calculate (i) the energy of the
photon emitted when an electron falls from the third orbit to the
second orbit. (ii) the wavelength of this photon. (Marks
Q 8 (b) Described briefly with a diagram and
theory an experiment to determine e/m of electron. (Marks
Q 9 (a) What is Compton scattering? State
briefly its importance. (Marks 2)
Q 9 (b) When ultraviolet light of wavelength 300
nm is incident on a metal plate, a negative potential of 0.54 volt
is required to stop the emission of photo electrons. Calculate the
energy of the incident photon and the work function for the metal in
eV. (Marks 4)
Q 9
(c) Draw the circuit diagram of a half wave rectifier using a
semi-conductor diode. Explain briefly the function of each
component. (Marks 2)
Q 10 (a) Heavy water is suitable moderator in a
nuclear reactor. Explain briefly why? (Marks
Q 10 (b) Draw
labelled diagrams to illustrate (i) energy bands of a conductor,
semiconductor and insulator. (ii) npn and pnp
transistors. (iii) transistor as an amplifier (common emitter).
(Marks 4)
Q 10
(c) What do you mean by AND gate? How will you realise AND gate
with junction diodes? (Marks 2)