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Govt. Exams

History, Civics & Geography - 2000 (ICSE)
You are on questions 1-15

-Answer to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately.
-You will NOT be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes.
-This time is to be spent in reading the question paper.
-The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.

-Attempt all questions from Part I and at least one question from each of the Section A, B, C and D of Part II and one other question from any one of the sections of Part II.

PART - I Civics

Q1.(a) What is the normal term of the Lok Sabha? (1)

Q1 (b) How is the Speaker of the Lok Sabha elected? (1)

Q1 (c) What is the procedure adopted for resolving a deadlock between the two Houses of Parliament with regard to an ordinary Bill? (1)

Q1 (d) What is the Constitutional provision with regard to the representation of the Anglo Indian Community in the Lok Sabha? (1)

Q1 (e) When can Ordinances be issued by the President? (1)

Q1 (f) By whom and on whose advice are the Ministers in a state appointed? (1)

Q1 (g) Mention two ways by which the Constitution ensures independence of the judges of the Supreme Court. (1)

Q1 (h) Give two advantages of the system of Local self-government. (2)

Modern Indian History And The National Movement

Q2 (a) When and by whom was the Ramakrishna Mission founded? (1)

Q2 (b) Mention two evils against which the Arya Samaj raised its voice. (1)

Q2 (c) Name two leaders of the 'Moderates'. (2)

Q2 (d) Who said "Swaraj is my birthright and I will have it"? (1)

Q2 (e) Who started the paper "The Young India". Why? (2)

Q2 (f) When was the decision regarding the Partition of Bengal officially announced? (1)

Q2 (g) Mention one reason why 1916 is considered very important in the history of the Indian National Congress? (1)

Q2 (h) What is stated about the Princely states in the Indian Independence Act of 1947? (1)

The United Nations And The Regional Organisations

Q3 (a) Mention any two aims of the United Nations Organisation. (2)

Q3 (b) Mention the countries that are Permanent members of the Security Council in the UN (2)

Q3 (c) Who is a specialise UN agency devoted to a specific cause. What is this cause? (1)

Q3 (d) Give the expanded form of UNESCO. (1)

Q3 (e) Name the principal judicial organ of the UN (1)

Q3 (f) Name any two objectives of ASEAN. (1)

Q3 (g) The SAARC countries agreed to the establishment of SAPTA. Give the expanded form of SAPTA. (1)

Q3 (h) What is meant by the Non-aligned Movement? (1)


Section - A (Civics)

Q4. With reference to the Rajya Sabha, answer the following questions:
(a) What are the qualification necessary to become a member of the Rajya Sabha? (4)

(b) Describe the Legislative and Financial powers of the Rajya Sabha. (6)

Q5. The Governor has been described as a nominal head of the state. He can still exercise his authority and act independently. In this context describe:
(a) his judicial powers. (4)

(b) his discretionary power (6)

Q6. With reference to urban local governments, explain:
(a) the composition of a Municipality (5)

(b) the functions of a Municipality. (5)

Section B

Modern Indian History

Q7. Raja Ram Mohan Roy raised the people from their deep slumber. In this context describe his efforts in the following fields:
(a) Social reforms (5)

(b) Spread of Western Education in India. (5)

Q8. The men who dominated the Congress from 1885 to 1905 were liberal in their views and outlook. In this context describe:
(a) the reasons for their being called the 'Moderates'. (3)

(b) the methods adopted by them. (4)

(c) the attitude of the British towards the moderates. (3)

Q9. The British policy of 'divide and rule' gave rise to the formation of the Muslim League. In this context state: a) the British policy of 'divide and rule'. (3)

(b) the objectives of the Muslim League. (4)

(c) two direct outcomes of the formation of the Muslim League. (3)

Section - C

The National Movement 1915 - 1947

Q10. The resolution to launch the Non-cooperation movement was adopted at the Nagpur Session of the Indian National Congress, 1920. In this context explain:
a) What is meant by the 'Non-cooperation Movement'? Give one example.

(b) What was the impact of the Non-cooperation movement on the National Movement? (6)

Q11. The 'Quit India Movement' launched by the Congress was the last mass uprising against British rule in India. In this context state:
(a) three reasons for launching the Movement (6)

(b) the British reaction to the movement. (2)

(c) the immediate results of the Movement. (2)

Q12. Lord Mountbatten was convinced that the Partition of India was inevitable. In this context describe briefly:
(a) four of the salient features of the Mountbatten Plan. (6)

(b) the reasons for the acceptance of "Partition" by the Congress. (4)

Section - D

The United Nations And The Regional Organisations

Q13. The aim of the United Nations is to safeguard the world from the scourge of war. In this context, describe briefly:
(a) the composition of the security council. (4)

(b) the functions of the General Assembly (6)

Q14. With reference to the Declaration of Human Rights, answer the following question:
(a) What does the term Human Rights mean? (1)

(b) What do Article 1 and 2 of the Declaration of Human Rights State? (3)

(c) Give three reasons for the importance of Human Rights today. (3)

(d) What does the declaration of the Rights of the child affirm? (3)

Q15. With regard to the European Community, answer the following questions:
(a) Name any four countries which were the original members of EC. (2)

(b) State briefly any four objectives of EC (4)

(c) Mention two functions of the Council of Ministers of EC. (4)

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