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Govt. Exams

 Accounts 1997 (I.S.C)
You are on questions 1 to 4


-Answer question 1 (Compulsory) from part 1 and question 2(compulsory) and  any other three question from part  II.
- The intended marks  for questions or parts of questions are given in   brackets [].
- Transactions  should be recorded in the proper forms of accounts .
- All calculations should be shown clearly .
- All working , including  rough work , should be done on the  the same sheet as ,and adjacent to , the  rest of the  answer.

Material to be supplied with this paper :
(1)journal: 3 sheets (6 pages)
(2)Ledger: 3 sheets ( 6 pages)
(3) Balance sheet: 2 sheets   (3 pages)
(4)Writing  paper     :Booklet 1(8pages)


Q.1. Answer  the following  questions very briefly and  to the point:
(i) How are debenture holders different from share holders? Give two differences.
(ii)How will you deal with sale of old assets while preparing the final accounts of a non-trading  organization?
(iii)What  is Abnormal loss in consignment Accounts ?
(iv)what is the purpose of opening a joint Bank Account for a joint venture?
(v)When is a profit and loss appropriation account made? Why ?
(vi)Why is General Reserve distributed amongst the old partners before a new partner is admitted?
(vii)What is the object of Realisation Account in dissolution of partnership?
(viii)State what is meant by statement  of affairs ?
(ix)What is  Reserve Capital?
(x)List two objectives of stock valuation

Part II

Q 2.The treasurer of a club has prepared the following Receipts  and Payment Account  for the year ended 31st march 1995.
Receipts and payments A/C for the  ended 31.3.1995

Receipts and payments A/C for the  ended 31.3.1995
Receipts Amount Payments Amount
Bank bal. 6400 Rent of rooms 2800
Subscriptions 20000 Wages of caretaker 40000
Entrance fees 3000 Purchase of sports equipment 12800
Sale of refreshments 7600 Dance expenses 3800
Sale of Dance tickets 4500 Refreshment supplies 5200
Interest  on investments @ 7% for full year 3500 Secretary's Expenses 800
    General Expenses 2500
    Printing & Stationary 1400
        Bank balance 11700
  45000   45000
  You are given the following  information :    
(i)At 31.3.1994 assets comprised:
Furniture Rs.9600, sports  Equipment Rs.5200: subscription in arrears Rs. 1500;
Liabilities were: Accrued rent RS.600 and subscription received in advance Rs 400.

(ii) At 31.3.1995 assets comprised :
furniture RS. 8600. sports Equipment  Rs. 15200; Subscription
in arrears Rs. 1300.
Liabilities were : Accrued  rent  Rs. 300 and Subscription  received in advance Rs 1800
The members  require :
(a) Income and  Expenditure Account  for the year ended 31.3.1995
(b) Balance Sheet as on that due.   
As per receipts             20000
ADD:-   received  in advance  (31-3-94) 400
              arrears             (31-3-95) 1300
LESS:- arrears                     (31-3-94)         1500  
             advance                  (31-3-95)        1800 3300
(4) Opening  sports equipment 5200
ADD:- Purchase during the year 12800
LESS:- Closing 15200
Dep.on Sports 2800

Q.3 Hari Bhai Ahmedabad  sent 100 boxes of Tea on consignment to Chitti Babu  of Calcutta  costing   Rs. 1000/- per box at a proforma invoice price to show 20% profit on invoice price. Hari Bhai  spent  Rs. 5000/- on loading ; Rs. 8000/- on freight and   insurance and  Rs. 2000/- on miscellaneous expenses in sending the goods . 10 boxes  were lost in transit . Chitti  Babu  received 90  boxes a nd sent  Rs. 50000 as an against  the goods .Chitti Babu spent as  follows :

Carriage inwards  ---------------Rs 8,000
Duties & taxes    --------------- Rs 10,000
Godown  rent     ---------------  Rs 2,000
Advertisement    ---------------- Rs 5,000
He sold as follows:
60 boxes @ Rs 1800 per box
10 boxes @ Rs. 1900 per box
. 2000 per box

Chitti Babu is entitled to a commission of 10% on sales. He reported Rs. 2000/-as bad debts. Prepare the following accounts in the books of the consignor:
(i) Consignment account
(ii) Goods sent  on consignment account
(iii)Chitti babu's account

.D , R ,and L were in partnership sharing  profits and losses in the ratio of 3:2:1   respectively .
The draft Balance sheet as on 31-3-1996 was as follows:-

Capital Accounts  Rs Rs Rs
D  24000
R  12000
42000 Buildings 12000
Current Accounts
D 1920
R 1680
L 1120
4720 Plant & equipment 18800
Loan -D 5000 Stock 9200
Creditors 15600 Debtors             12400
Less:- Provisions  1200
           Bal at Bank 16120
  67320   67320 

D retires on 31-3-1996 and R and L continued in partnership sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 2:1 .D's loan was repaid on 1-4-1996 and it was agreed that the remaining balance due to him , other than that of the current account ,   should remain as loan to the partnership.
For the purpose of  D's  retirement it was agreed that :-
(1) Building be  revalued at Rs 24000 and the plant equipment at Rs 15800
(ii) The provision for bad debts was to be increased by Rs 400
(iii) A provision of Rs 500 included in creditors was no longer required
(iv) Rs 1500 was to be written off the stock in respect of damaged items included therein.
(v) The provision of Rs 4240 be valued at Rs 14400. Both the partners decide that goodwill should  not appear in the  books of accounts of the firm.
You are required to prepare :-
(a) Revaluation   Accounts
(b) Capital and current Accounts of the partners
(c)The Balance sheet of R and L as  1-4-1996.


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