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Govt. Exams

 Accounts 1998 (I.S.C)
You are on questios 1 to 4

-Answer question 1 (Compulsory) from part 1 and question 2 (compulsory ) and  any other three question from part  II.
- The intended marks  for questions or parts of questions are given in   brackets [].
- Transactions  should be recorded in the proper forms of accounts .
- All calculations should be shown clearly .
- All working , including  rough work , should be done on the  the same sheet as ,and adjacent to , the  rest of the  answer.

Material to be supplied with this paper :
(1) journal                    :               3 sheets (6 pages)
(2) Ledger                    :               3 sheets ( 6 pages)
(3) Balance sheet          :               2 sheets   (3 pages)
(4) Writing  paper          :               Booklet 1(8pages)

Q1-Answer the following questions briefly and to the point:- (2 x 10 =20 marks)
i) What is Del Credere commission?
ii) Mention two differences between dissolution of a partnership and dissolution of a firm.
iii) Explain the net worth approach in the determination of profit under single entry method.
iv) Mention two difference between Historical Cost and Replacement cost method of valuation of inventory
v) Give two reason why the profit disclosed by a cost sheet differ from those of financial accounts
vi) List two practical applications of average due date
vii)Explain the meaning of 'debentures issued as collateral securities'by a company
viii) How is life membership fees dealt with while preparing the final accounts of a non-trading concern
ix) What is a memorandum revaluation account ? How it is prepared ?
x) Specify the three methods of recording transactions relating to joint venture. Which method is based on a complete double entry system ?

Q2. Following is the Receipts and Payment  Accounts of the Bigwig club for the year ended 31th March 1997 :

Receipts Amount Payments Amount
To bal with bank 4000 By Salary 12300
To entrance fees 3000 by Rent 6700
To Subscription:
1995-1996           1000
1996-1997          15000
1997-1998            1400
17400 By Electricity 2560
To Sale of investment 15000 By Printing  And Stationary 1670
To loan taken from Mr. Wood 6000 By Sundry Expenses 1920
    By Insurance Premium 1360
    By purchase of new furcniture 10000
              By Bal with bank 8890
  45400   454000

You are also informed that :-
(i) Outstanding  and prepaid expenses as on 31th march were :-
  1996 1997
Rent due 360 720
Electricity bill due 1200 600
Subscription due 1000 800
Prepaid insurance 200 340

(ii) Cost of investment which were sold was Rs 12000
(iii)50% of the entrance Fees are to be capitalised.
(iv) Loan from Mr .Wood was taken on 1st Oct .1996. interest at 8% p.a is payable thereon.
(v) On 31st March 1996 , book value  of  furniture  was Rs 8000. New furniture was purchased on 30th June 1996. Depriciation is to be  provided at 5% p.a
You are required to prepare:-
(a) Income and  expenditure accounts of the club for the year ended 31st March 1997.
(b) Balance sheet as on that day.

Q3. The following information is available from  costing records of a Mini Steel Plant engaged in the production of steel:-

              Rs                Rs
Stock Records      31-12-96    31-12-97
minerals 1000000 400000
Primary Packing Material 80000 30000
Semi-processed ore 700000 200000
Finished ingots 600000 150000
Secondary Packing Materials 40000 20000
Additional Information   Rs       (31-12-97)
cold rolling mill expenses   60000
Drawing Office expenses   22000
Productive labour   800000
Discount received   7500
Insurance of  minerals   27000
Special moulds for casting taken on hire   100000
Discount Allowed   1650
Interest on capital   2000
Capitive power plant expenses   17000
Gas  turbine running costs   35000
Water treatement plant expenses   65000
Purchase of Minerals   1200000
leasehold  Office building at cost (50 years lease)   2500000
The steel produced is sold at a profit of 205 on the selling price.
From the above information you are required to prepare a cost sheet for the year ended 31th Dec 1997.

Q4a. On 31th December 1990 ,P retaired from active partnership and his share of the following was ascertained on the date of retirement:-

Goodwill 20000
Interest on Capital 500
Salary 1500
Drawings 20000
Interest on Drawings 2000
Share of profit 25000
Capital 75000

The amount due to P was kept  with the firm as a loan bearing interest @10% p.a and was to be paid to P by annual instalment of Rs.  50000 each , interest being calculated @10% p.a on the unpaid balances. The first instalment was paid on 31th dec 1991.
You are required to prepare P's Capital  accounts due to him was made.

Q4b.K and L are partners in a firm .For the half year ended 30th September 1997 ,they drew in lieu of profits the following amounts :-
Amounts  drawn  by K

Date                                                                                           Amount   (Rs)
Amounts  drawn by L
Date.......................................................................................... Amount   (Rs)
5-8-97.......................................................................................... 1600
They are to be charged interest thereon @ 5% p.a for the period 1st April 1997 to 30th September  1997 on the amounts drawn by them .
Calculate the amount of interest of K and  L by means of the Average Due Date method .
(Calculations to the nearest paise)  


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