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Govt. Exams

Economics - 1999 (I.S.C)
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-Answer Question 1 (compulsory) from Part 1 and FOUR questions form Part II, choosing TWO questions from Section A and TWO questions from Section B.
-All working, including rough work, should be done on the same sheet as rest of the answers.
-The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets[ ].
-The duration of the exam is three hours.


Q1 Answer briefly each of the items (i) to (xx) in this question: (20 marks)
(i) Name the branch of economics which is primarily concerned with the study of relationships between broad economic aggregates.
(ii) What is meant by 'value of money'?
(iii) Mention two important functions of a commercial bank.
(iv) What is the solution to the problem of double counting in the estimation of national income?
(v) What is deficit financing?
(vi) Define 'Terms of trade'.
(vii) Mention two advantages of over-population in a country.
(viii) Name the institution which performs the function of a clearing house in the Indian banking system.
(ix) Define disguised unemployment.
(x) What does TRYSEM stand for?
(xi) Mention two important measures to control the problem of inflation.
(xii) What is unaccounted money called?
(xiii) Give two main causes of poverty in India.
(xiv) Name the Act which governs industrial relations in India.
(xv) Name two major purposes for which agriculturists seek long-term credit in India.
(xvi) Distinguish between the money market and the capital market.
(xvii) Mention two main problems in preparing a Price Index Number.
(xviii) Name the finance Minister who initiated the programme of economic liberalistation in India.
(xix) Give the most distinguishing feature of underdevelopment of an economy.
(xx) Suggest two measures to reduce the inequalities in the distribution of income in India.

Answer any two questions.


Q.2(a) Discuss the essential elements involved in the study of macroeconomics. (10 marks)

Q.2(b) Comment on the following statements with regard to the functioning of commercial banks
(10 marks):
(i) Loans create deposits.
(ii) Deposits create loans.

Q.3 (a) Distinguish between 'cost-push' inflation and 'demand-pull' inflation. (10 marks)

Q.3 (b) Is national income an indicator of economic welfare? Give reasons for your answer.
(10 marks)

Q.4 (a) How does fiscal policy promote economic stability and equity? (10 marks)

Q.4 (b) What steps will you suggest to correct adverse balance of payments? (10 marks)

Q5.(a) How is rapid growth of population an obstacle in attaining a high rate of economic growth?
(10 marks)

Q.5(b) Discuss the main functions of an entrepreneur. (10 marks)

Answer any two questions.

Q6.(a) Describe the programmes undertaken by the Government of India to eradicate poverty during the last two decades. (10 marks)

(b) Discuss the causes of unemployment in the urban sector of the Indian economy. (10 marks)

Q.7(a) Do you agree with the opinion that the expansion of banking services in the rural areas of India has not been able to displace the indigenous money lender? Give two reasons for your answer.
(10 marks)

Q.7(b) In which specific areas has planning in India failed? (10 marks)

Q.8(a) Bring out the defects in the working of the major stock exchanges in India. (10 marks)

Q.8(b) How does the Reserve Bank of India control the expansion of credit in the country? (10 marks)

Q9. Write short notes on any two of the following:(20 marks)
(a) Causes of Industrial disputes in India.

(b) Elements of Economic Liberalisation Policy in India.

(c) Functions of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

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