Physics - 1999 ( I.S.C) You are on Questions
Answer all questions in Part I
and six Questions from Part II, choosing two from each of the
Sections A,B and C All working, including rough work, should be
done on the same sheet as, and adjacent to, the
rest of the answers. The intended marks for questions or parts of
questions are given in brackets []. (Material should be supplied
: Log tables including trignometric functions).
Q1.(i) State the unit of electric
permitivity in terms of the base(fundamentals) SI
(ii) Draw a diagram to show the
electric lines of force due to an electric dipole.
(iii) The plates of a charged parallel plate
capacitor are connected to a voltmeter. What will be the effect of
the reading of the voltmeter if the plates of the capacitor are
brought closer to each other in an insulated manner(i.e. while
conserving charge on the plates.)
(iv)In fig.1,AB is a potentiometer wire of the
length 100 cm.The cell of emf 3V has a negligible internal
resistance.What is the reading in the voltmeter (V) if BC is equal
to 70 cm ?
(v)An electric kettle
is rated 3 KW, 240 V. Find out the resistance of its heating
(vi)Fig.2 shows two separate wires forming a
cycle of radius r with center at O.Both wires carry equal
currents i, Find out the total magnetic field at the center O
due to the two currents.
(vii)Why is soft iron is
considered more suitable than steel for making the core of
transformer ?
(viii)How is galvanometer converted in to
an ammeter ?
(ix)A two slit interference experiment is
performed with monochromatic red light and the fringe width is
measured.How is this fringe width affected when the source is
replaced by monochromatic blue light ?
(x)The wavelength of lightwave is
6400 Å in
air.What will be its wavelength when
it enters a medium whose refractive index is 1.6 ? (xi)Light intensity
can be partially reflected and partially transmitted by a medium
whose refractive index is Ö3.Find out the angle of
polarisation for this medium ? (xii)A thin convex
lens of focal length 20 cm is kept in coaxial contact with another
thin lens so that the combination becomes a converging lens of focal
length 100 cm. What is the focal length of the second lens
(xiii)The focal length of the objective and the
eyepiece of an astronomical telescope are 2.5 m and 5 cm
respectively.What is the magnifying power of the telescope when the
final image is formed at infinity ?
(xiv)An electron is accelerated from
rest through potential difference V volts and it acquires a final
velocity v m/s.Obtain an expression for e/m of electron in terms of
V and v ?
(xv)State how the wavelength l and momentum p are related to each
other in describing wave-particle duality of matter ? (xvi)Draw a labeled
diagram to illustrate Rutherford's a-particle scattering
(xvii)What is the relation between the maximum
frequency of X-rays produced by a coolidge tube and the potential
difference V between the cathode and the target(anode)
(xviii)Write the radioactive decay
law in the form of an equation stating clearly what the symbols
stand for.
(xix)What is the function of the moderator in a
nuclear reactor ?
(xx)Draw a labeled diagram to show the circuit
symbols of an npn transistor.
Q2(a)Define potential
energy of a point charge in a uniform electric field
E .Obtain the expression U=-
P. E for the potential energy of a dipole moment
P in a uniform electric field
(b)A potentiometer arrangement, used to measure
thee emf of a cell E1,is shown in fig-3.AB is the potentiometer wire
of length 100 cm and rheostat R is adjusted to 5 ohm.If the null
point is obtained at C with Ac equal to 75 cm,what is the emf of E1
Q3(a)A moving coil
galvanometer of resistance 25 ohm gives a full scale deflection when
10 mA current is passed through it.Giving necessary
calculations.explain with the help of a diagram how this
galvanometer may be converted into a voltmeter of range 20
(b)State 'Tangent law 'for superposition of
two magnetic fields. Prove this law with the help of a labeled
Q4(a)Give the defining
vector equation of magnetic field B in terms
of the force F acting on a charge q moving in the
field with a velocity V .Using this equation
express the SI unit of B in terms of the fundamental (base)SI
(b)Derive the expression for the force per unit
length acting on either of two very long parallel conductors
carrying currents I1 and I1 respectively and
kept at a distance d apart.State how the directions of the magnetic
fields and the forces produced May be indicated. (c)The
coil of a simple A.C. generator is rotating at the rate of 50
revolution per second in a uniform magnetic field of 1 Tesla.What is
the peak value of the ac voltage generated ?The number of turns in
the coil is 100 and its face area is 100
Q.5(a) A capacitor C is
connected to an ac voltage source
V = V0 sinw t.
Draw a circuit diagram for the above
arrangement. obtained and expression for the current I flowing in
the circuit. Express it as a sine function. What is the phase
difference between current I and voltage V ? What is the reactance
of the capacitor ?
(b) Fig. 4 shows that an
alternating emf e applied across a
series LRC circuit. The peak values of the alternating voltages
developed across the three components are marked in the figure.
Determine the peak value of the applied emf and the phase difference
between the applied emf and the current in the
Q6.(a) Describe briefly,
with the help of a diagram, Michelson's method for the determination
of the speed of light.
(b) What happens to the
fringe width of the fringe pattern of a Fresnel's biprism
arrangement if the distance between the slit source and the biprism
is reduced ? Explain your answer stating (not deriving) the relation
between fringe width, distance between the two apparent sources and
the distance of the biprism and the slit. Draw a ray diagram to show
the arrangement.
Q7(a) A regular 600 glass
prism has its refractive index Ö2 for a given wavelength.
Calculate the angle of minimum deviation dm. At what angle
of incidence should a monochromatic light of this wavelength fall on
a face of the prism so as to get a minimum deviation ?
(Use sin 300 = 1/2 and sin
450 = 1/Ö2).
(b) Draw a graph showing
variation of intensity on the screen of a single slit Fraunhofer
diffraction experiment against different angles of diffraction, when
the slit is illuminated by a monochromatic light of
wavelength l. If the
slit width is a, at what diffraction angle is the first minima
obtained ? (No derivation is required)
Q8.(a) A double convex lens
of glass has a focal length 20 cm in air and the absolute refractive
index of the material of lens is 1.5, What will be the focal length
of this lens if it is immersed in a liquid of absolute refractive
index 1.65 ? State the nature of the lens when immersed in the
(b) Describe with the
help of a diagram, showing approximate wave length ranges, the
electromagnetic spectrum from gamma rays to radiowaves. Q9(a) Derive the condition for two thin lenses placed
coaxially in contact so as to form an achromatic
(b) Define 'angular
magnification' of a telescope. Draw a neat ray diagram with proper
arrows to show the image formation in an astronomical refracting
telescope in normal adjustment for relaxed eye. Obtain the
expression for angular magnification of the telescope in this
adjustment. Q10.(a) Draw a labeled
diagram of a cathode ray oscilloscope. Name three important sections
of this tube.
Q10.(a) Draw a
labeled diagram of a cathode ray oscilloscope. Name three important
sections of this tube. (b) Work
function of copper metal is 4eV. Calculate the energy of the
incident photon in joule. Also, express the work function in joule.
Find out the Kinetic energy of the fastest electron ejected from it
when a monochromatic light of wavelength 4000 Å falls on its surface. (Use h
= 6.6 x 10-34 Js, c = 3 x 108 m/s).
Q11.(a) State Bohr's
postulates for the model of atom. Use these postulates to derive an
expression for the energy of an electron in the nth orbit
of the hydrogen atom.
(b) State the
differences between emission and absorption spectra with respect to
their nature and production.
Q12.(a) The nucleus of an
atom with Z = 54 and A = 115 emits a negative b-particle. How many
protons and neutrons will be present in the resulting nucleus
after this b-decay ? What change takes place inside the nucleus ? Mention
two properties of b-particles.
(b) Complete the
following nuclear reaction :

(c) What is nuclear
fusion ? Describe how the Sun is emitting huge amounts of energy (in
the form of heat and light) continuously for billions of years. (No
reaction equation are required.)
Q13.(a) Distinguish
between conductors, insulator and semiconductors in terms of energy
band diagrams. Draw the diagrams.
(b) Why do we get a
small current (in mA) through a p-n junction diode under reverse bias condition
? In which direction does this current flow through the junction
(c) Draw a labeled
circuit diagram of common emitter type transistor (npn or pnp)
amplifier, showing the biasing correctly.