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 Garment Manufacturing & Merchandising
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The Work

Work in this section of the garment industry can be in either of two areas-manufacture or merchandising.


Covers all aspects of fabrication and large-scale production of garments.


Involves marketing, sales and market research of the finished product.

Nature Of Work


Conditions in the industry vary. While export units are for the most part completely mechanized and geared to mass production, those feeding the domestic market do not always have the advantage of sophisticated equipment or technology. The production department in any garment
manufacturing company would by and large require the following trained personnel:

Garment Technologists

Are the bridge between design and manufacture. They plan, on the basis of a sample, how a garment will be made from seam and stitch types to the machinery that is required. Keeping the costs at every stage in mind, they are sometimes required to work with the designer to modify a sample to make its production possible. Some garment technologist's work for large retailers to ensure that designs, quality and costs meet the retailer's specifications.

Production Managers

Are responsible for the smooth running of production flow systems.

Production Assistants

Ensure that the correct quality and quantity of raw materials are supplied on time.

Production Pattern Makers

Convert sketches into an accurate pattern from which the garment may be cut.

Pattern Graders

Convert standard size patterns into a range for different sizes.

Spreaders and Markers

Work out the most economical placement of patterns on fabric and mark them for cutting.


Cut the fabric according to pattern. Assemblers: Put the pieces of the garment together.


Stitch up the garments.


Tidy up and complete the garment.

Trimmers and Pressers

Add trimmings and iron out garments and make them ready for the store.

Supervisors and Checkers

See that each job is carried out properly, within the right time frame and sort out day-to-day
problems as they occur.

Quality Control Managers

Supervise checkers to ensure that garments meet established quality standards. In smaller companies, a single individual may carry out several elements of the production process, which becomes more specialized in larger units.


The garment industry offers tremendous potential in the field of merchandising to those with a feel for fashion, a basic knowledge of production and a good sense of the markets. Employment opportunities are vast in both the domestic and export sectors.


Are coordinators who are involved in every stage of the garment's development-from concept to sales. Merchandisers therefore combine an eye for design with an instinct for what will sell. The merchandiser also provides feedback on market trends and ensures that consignments reach the stores on time.

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