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Entry Schemes


Strong competitive urge and will to win, high level of physical fitness, mental and physical stamina, resilience and self-discipline, and single-mindedness.


Those with talent would have been spotted well before they leave school. The Sports Authority of India (SAI) has initiated several schemes to spot latent talent, and to provide facilities for nurturing them. Financial support is crucial for nurturing a sporting career. 

A nutritious diet, suitable sportswear and gear and general psychological security depend on sound finances. The SAI scheme aims to provide these facilities to talented youngsters throughout the country.

National Sports Talent Contest (NSTC) Scheme

School children endowed with natural motor qualities and physical growth between 9-12 years of age with a special talent in any of ten identified Olympic disciplines-athletics, badminton, basketball, gymnastics, hockey, swimming, table tennis, football, volleyball and wrestling are selected through talent contests held at the taluka, district and regional levels.

To qualify, the candidate must meet the standards of the SAI's battery of tests to check agility, endurance, strength, balance and skill specific to a particular sport. 

Those boys and girls who are selected under this scheme are admitted into fifty-six schools adopted by the SAI for continuing their education as well as sports training. SAI meets actual expenses on board and lodging, admission to the school, tuition fee, school uniforms, books sports kit, medical insurance and traveling allowance to the child and escort for all children admitted under this scheme Parents are only expected to provide pocket money, and expenses on toiletries and private clothes. 

The selected schools are provided with financial assistance for creating, improving and maintaining sports facilities, and for appointing a coach for each discipline Regular evaluation of the student's sports performance is conducted and those unable to fulfill the norms are weeded out of the scheme.

Sports Hostel Scheme

Talented children between 16-20 years, who have been able to meet the sports performance criterion of the NSTC scheme, are selected for admission to the SAI Hostel Scheme. Those spotted through various state/national championships organized by the Sports Federations are also selected for the SAI Hostel Scheme. 

Here they are provided coaching, training and nutritional support to enable them to compete effectively in state and national level competitive events.

Special Area Games Scheme

Sports talent is identified among regional populations known for positive genetic, physical and geographical traits that could be used to advantage in specific sports events. Candidates who qualify are admitted to various SAG centers where they are provided long-term training on scientific lines. 

They are scouted under the following protects: archery, shooting, athletics, water sports, gymnastics, contact sports (judo, boxing, wrestling), football, cycling, hockey, fencing, height-related projects (for volleyball, basketball, athletics). Thus tribals as also those living in remote and interior areas are given the opportunity to make a career in sports. 

The entire expenditure on the scheme, including pocket allowance of Rs 200/- per month is borne by SAI.

Boy Sports Companies in the Army

These have been started in seventeen different Regimental Training Centers of the army. Boys below 14 years of age are scouted for talent from the neighboring rural, tribal and semi-urban belts. The selected boys join regimental schools affiliated to the CBSE. The emphasis in their training is mainly on sports specialization along with basic education and military training. 

On completing 16 years of age, the boys are enrolled as soldiers in the army. If they show a commendable performance in junior national teams or service teams, the boys are entitled to direct recruitment as `havaldars' in the army.

Private Sponsorships

Sports such as cricket and tennis are able to attract private sponsorships, and sizable amounts of prize money. State administered tennis and cricket associations and private coaching clubs train promising youngsters. 

Private sponsorships of golf, billiards and snooker, yachting, and equestrian events have improved the chances for sportspersons in this field. The SAI has also set up six regional centers for sports in the country with training facilities of international standards. In these sports complexes and coaching camps, regular training is given in various sports disciplines. 

There are nominal charges for using these facilities. Apart from the above-mentioned facilities and schemes, the federations and associations of individual sports offer additional advantages. Certain associations have instituted special academies, which are sponsored by private firms etc. 

As in the case of the Tennis Association, sportsmen of high caliber are chosen to become members of the academy. These few select sportsmen are provided with excellent coaching and all their costs, including boarding and lodging are taken care of.

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