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Govt. Exams

English Class - XII 1997(CBSE)
You are on the questions 5 to 10

5. Naveen Chaudhri of 105, Baily Road, Patna bought a HP Desk Jet 2000 Printer from The Computer Centre, the sole dealer of Hewlett Packard at Ranchi, for use with his newly acquired personal computer, a month ago. Now the finds that the print quality is poor and the ink nozzles of the print cartridge get frequently clogged. The printer has been given one year warranty against any technical fault. Write a letter as Naveen Chaudhri to the dealer complaining about the same and requesting him to attend to it.
(Word limit 200 words). (10 Marks)


Your sister has just passed the All India Secondary School Examination of CBSE. She is keen on joining some institute which may help her in her personality development. She consults her language teacher on the subject who advises her to join The Centre for Creativity and Development for this purpose. Now write a letter to the Director of the Centre, seeking necessary information about her admission to their 8-week summer course in leadership.

6. The other day you went to a local Public School for admission of your nephew to their K. G. Class. On contacting the Admission In charge of the school you were shocked to learn that the Admission test was merely a formality. The admission was to be granted not based on the merit of the child but on the parent's capacity to pay a fat capitation fee to the school. You felt extremely upset over this educational evil. You decide to write an article on this exploitation of parents by some of the private schools to be published in the Times of India. Write the article in not more than 200 words. (10 Marks)|


Mini is disturbed to see the despite the government legislation against dowry, cases of bride burning are on the increase as per the newspaper reports. She being a social worker decides to write an article on the need for eradicating this social evil for reducing the ever increasing divorce cases in the country. Write the article in not more than 200 words for publication in The Hindu.

                                                         SECTION B(Text Books)

7. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow it. (9 Marks)

             To him, all life was sacred, even if it was of a serpent or scorpion or centipede. Whenever he saw one he quickly shoved it away let we kill it. He picked up wasps we battered with our badminton rackets and tended their damaged wings. Sometimes he got stung. It never seemed to shake his faith
(a) Who is 'he' referred to above? (1Marks)

(b) What did he think of all line on his earth? (1Marks)

(c) What does this passage tell you about the man referred to herein? Mention three qualities. (3 Marks)

(d) Why did he push away a serpent or scorpion when sighted? Give two reasons.(2 Marks)

(e) What light does this passage throw on the nature of the speaker and his group members? (2 Marks)

 8. Answer the following in 30-40 words each.(16 Marks)
(a) The Titanic was the envy and admiration of the maritime nations of the world. Why? Give two reasons. (2)

(b) What was Duttada's secret ambition in life? (2 Marks)

(c) Why did Cassius not ring up his white "millionaire sponsors"? Give two reasons.(2Marks )

(d) Tailor Patch was a great success as Captain Patch at Madder. Give two reasons for his      popularity.(2Marks )

(e) Why does Mrs. Packletide decide to shoot a tiger? Give two reasons.(2 Marks)

(f) What were some of the after-effects of the atom-bomb?(2 Marks )

(g) What made the blind made realize that he had been recognized?
(2 Marks )

(h) Why does Charlie fail to attract Nancy in spite of his passionate love for her? (2 Marks)

9. "Tell me," went on Gafur, "how can I keep you alive in this dreadful year?..
You have no strength left in your body- nobody wants you." What does this uttering suggest to you about Gafur's love for Mahesh? (Expected word limited 150 words) (10 Marks)


"It's my dogs and cats, Mr. Herriot. I'm afraid I might never see them when I'm gone and it worries me so." Write in about 150 words on Miss Stubbs' love for animals.

10.Which is the most dramatic moment, in the whole story in 'The Judgement of Paris'? Justify your selection.(Expected word limit 150 words) (10  Marks)


"Hunger and misery make people selfish, even cruel.," Give a character sketch of Mikali in the light of this remark.

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