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Govt. Exams

Biology - 1997 (I.C.S.E)
You are on questions 1 to 2

- Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately.
- You will NOT be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes.
- This time is to be spent in reading the question paper.
- The given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.
- This question paper is divided into two sections.
- Section I contains one question with six parts (a) to (f) ;
- All six parts are to be answered.
- Section II contains six questions, numbered 2 to 7 .
- You are to answer any four of these questions.
- The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets[].

SECTION -- I (40 Marks )
Compulsory : Answer all parts in this section.
Q 1 (a)

Name the following :
(i) A pollutant which reduces the oxygen carrying capacity of blood.
(ii) The male reproductive cells of mammals.
(iii) Sheet of muscle between the thorax and abdomen of mammals.
(iv) The element required for clotting blood in man.
(v) The tube that leads from the ovary of the uterus.
(vi) Openings found on the undersurface of dorsiventral leaves.
(vii) Tissue concerned with upward conduction of water in plants.
(viii) Condition of cell in which the cell contents are shrunken.

Q 1(b) Complete the following sentences (i) to (vi) given belows by filling in the appropriate word of terms from the given below:
Osmosis, Ciliary muscle, Aorta, Stapes, Alveoli, W.H. O, Malleus, Diffusion, Dorsal Aorta, Bronchioles, Iris, Red cross.
(i) The part of eye responsible for change in the size of the pupil is the .............................
(ii) The process by which molecules distribute themselves evenly within the space they occupy is termed ........................
(iii)The ultimate end parts of the respiratory system in man are the .................................
(iv) The organisation which provides relief to victims of any nationals calamity is the ...............................
(v) The blood vessel leaving the left ventricle of the mammalian heart is the .............................
(vi) The ear ossicle in contact with the oval window of the inner ear is the ...............................

Q 1 (c)(i) Mention if  the following statements are true or false:
1. The pregnancy of the women can be prevented by the method of Vasectomy.
2. Cones are the receptors cells in the retina of the eye sensitive to dim light.
3. The unit of light absorbed by the chlorophyll during photosynthesis is the proton.
4. D.D.T is a disinfectant.
5. Lungs of man are protected by the pericardium.
6. The part of the ear associated  with balance is the cochlea.

(ii) Rewrite the wrong statements from 1 to 6 above in the correct form by changing only the first or last word.

Q 1 (d) The diagram along side represent certain organs in the abdominal region of man.
(i) Level the parts numbered 1 to 7.
(ii) Name the organ systems shown in the diagram.
(iii) Name three parts other than those marked which are clearly seen in the diagram.
Q 1 (e) Given alongside is the diagram of a bean root:
(i) What term is given to the part marked 'X' ?
(ii) What does it contain?
(iii) What significant role is played by the
structure named in Q (ii) above in the soil? Briefly discuss how the structure plays this role.
(iv) What happens to the above mentioned structure when the plants  dies?

Q 1 (f) Give one point of difference between any three of the following pairs on the basis of what is indicated in the brackets.
(i) Sensory and motor neuron. (function)
(ii) Blood and lymph. (composition)
(iii) Dicot and monocot stem (arrangements of vascular bundles )
(iv) Inspired and expired air (percentage of Oxygen and carbon dioxide)
(v) Ureter and Urethra (function)

Section - 2

Q 2 (a) The diagram given below represents the spinal cord of mammal seen in a transverse section together with the nerves . Study the same and then answer the questions that follow:

(i) Label the parts 1-8 indicated by guide- lines.
(ii) what do the arrows indicate ? What is the pathway indicated termed ?
(iii) What type of nerve is shown in the diagram ?

Q 2 (b) Complete the following table by filling in the correct location of the following structures in the human body and mention one main function of each:

Structure Location Function
(i) Epiglotis
(ii) Eustachian tube
(iii) Chordae tendinae
(iv) Nephron
(v) Organ of Corti



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