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 Poultry Farming
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Both professional training and practical experience are essential for entry into this field, as novices face the danger of incurring heavy financial losses.


Specialized training is essential for a successful career in poultry farming.


A large number of training institutions offer courses in poultry farming. Among them are:

The Institute of Poultry Management, Pune (IPM) It is the only specialized institute in India offering a full-fledged programme in poultry farming. The IPM maintains its own farms and hatchery to enable students to gain extensive hands-on experience.

It also runs a Disease Diagnostic and Feed Analytical Laboratory in order to acquaint its students with the various disease prevention methods and feed formulae that may be altered in practice, to maintain a high viability on their farms.


As per course selected. Students from a rural background are given preference.

Academic Programme

The institute primarily conducts three regular and four short-duration specialized courses to meet the immediate requirements of present and prospective poultry farmers by way of imparting scientific knowledge of poultry farm management.

The curriculum varies with the programme selected Subjects taught in each programme have been chosen with care so that not only are students made aware of the role of poultry farming in the national economy, but they also learn job-specific subjects such as shelter engineering, selection of stock, poultry nutrition, poultry disease, broiler/layer farm management, marketing of poultry products, farm personnel management, etc.

Courses offered by the institute include

1) A Basic Commercial Poultry Management Course, designed for aspirants who have had no previous exposure to the business. It caters to the requirements of prospective entrepreneurs who wish to take up poultry farming as a commercial activity.

Course Duration: 12 weeks.

Eligibility: Matriculate or equivalent. Knowledge of English is essential.

2) Orientation/Guidance Course for Poultry Personnel updates skills of those already engaged in poultry farming. The course imparts comprehensive training on modern, effective management norms. Its syllabus offers a degree of flexibility to accommodate some modification, in order to meet with specific need-based requirements of the trainee.

Course Duration: 12 weeks.

Eligibility: Minimum one year's experience in poultry farming. Knowledge of English is essential.

3) The Advanced Course in Poultry Farm Management thoroughly grooms the trainee in both the theory and the practice of poultry farming. Its practical orientation aims at training graduates who are excellent planners, organizers and managers.

Course Duration: 48 weeks.

Eligibility: Graduation from a recognized university or equivalent. Science graduate and/or previous experience in poultry is preferred.

The Government Poultry Farm, at Bari near Chattarpur, Delhi, also runs two courses a year, for those who wish to take up poultry farming.

The academic programme here includes both theoretical and practical training in the subject. At the end of the course, successful candidates are awarded a Poultry Training Certificate.

Course Duration: two weeks (October-November and April-May).

Eligibility: No age limit or academic qualifications specified

Selection Process: Candidates are required to fill in a form one week before the start of training.

Course Fee: Entry fee for the course is Rs 30.


Business acumen, knowledge and experience of finance as well as breeds and equipment, willingness to work hard, patience, persistence, organizational and managerial skills.

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