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Journalism has been described as the first rough draft of history. The custom of recording events is as ancient as the development of language. In India, it has a long and well-established tradition.

The Indian press acquired a reputation for heroism during the freedom movement through its fearless reporting even in the face of authoritarian attempts at suppression. The information revolution has added to its stature by bringing the world closer, increasing the variety, sophistication and reach of communication media and making the immediate access to news an integral part of modern living. A growing awareness that knowledge is power has also given an impetus to the regional and vernacular press to expand and strengthen its scope in the past few years. 

Today a large number of accredited journalists, together with countless stringers, critics, commentators and others seek out, report on and publicize occurrences of consequence around us. Their stories are carried by 28,491 newspapers and periodicals besides radio and television networks. 

Some cover a general mix of political, financial, social, environmental and sporting news. Others focus on the specific needs of professional or special interest groups. In any sphere good journalism informs, analyses and shapes opinion. Due to the enormous influence it exerts on the lives of people, journalism is also referred to as the Fourth Estate. 

Women in this profession have always been as dedicated and courageous as their male colleagues, and are well respected for this. As in most other fields, more men than women have taken up journalism in the past. However, this ratio is very quickly changing with opportunities and prospects being about equal for both sexes. 

Though talent and good work in young journalists is recognized and appreciated, experience counts for a great deal in this profession. Appointment to editorship, particularly in prestigious mainline dailies, comes only after many years in the field. Those who reach this post in their
mid-thirties or early forties are, very rare, and usually have a brilliant track record to their credit.


There are a number of separate areas in which journalists work. Some of these are:


Which include broadsheets, like the morning dailies, and tabloids, like the evening or weekly papers. These usually carry various types of news, comments and analysis of current events.


Are like centralized clearinghouses where news from different places is received and then syndicated to other sections of the press.


Are publications that appear at set intervals and include:


That could contain a more in-depth coverage of regular news or information that is of special interest to certain groups like professionals, stock-market investors; women; children; theatre, film or sports fans.


A term generally applied to publications of technical or educational content.


Publish summaries or abstracts of longer works such as condensed versions and extracts from articles, research papers or books.


Involves investigating, scripting, recording and presenting material for radio.


Combines the collection of information and visual footage and includes its recording, scripting, editing and presentation for:


Which can also mean live coverage of an event via satellite.

Video magazines

Those are audio-visual representations of their printed counterparts.

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