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Tuesday, January 21, 2025


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 Armed Forces
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Army Officers

2nd Lt. to Brigadier Rs 2,300-5,100
Major General Rs 5,900-200-6,700
Lt. General Rs 7,300-100-7,600
DGAFNS Rs 7,600 (fixed)
VCDAS/Army Commander Rs 8,000 (fixed)
Chief of Staff Rs 9,000 (fixed)

In addition to their normal salary, army officers also receive rank pay, as follows:

Captain Rs 200
Major Rs 600
Lt. Colonel Rs 800
Colonel Rs 1,000
Brigadier Rs 1,200

Naval Officers

Acting Sub Lt. to 
Commodore Rs 2,300 to 5,100
Rear Admiral Rs 5,900-200-6,700
Vice Admiral Rs 7,300-100-7,650
VCMS / C-in-C Rs 8,000 (fixed)
Admiral Rs 9,000 (fixed)

In addition to this, rank pay is as follows:

Lieutenant Rs 200
Lieutenant Commander Rs 600
Commander Rs 800
Captain Rs 1,000
Commodore Rs 1,200

Air Force Officers

Integrated pay scale for air force officers is as follows:

Pilot Officer to 
Air Commodore Rs 2,300-5,100
Air Vice Marshal Rs 5,900-200-6,700

Armed Forces

Air Marshal Rs 7,300-100-7,600
Air Marshal
(VCAS, ADC-in-C's 
Commands) Rs 8,000 (fixed)
Air Chief Marshal
Chief of Air Staff Rs 9,000 (fixed)

In addition to this, rank pay is as follows:

Flight Lieutenant Rs 200
Squadron Leader Rs 600
Wing Commander Rs 800
Group Captain Rs 1,000
Air Commodore Rs 1,200

All officers of the Armed Forces also receive numerous other benefits in the form of free rations, medical facilities, gratuity and retirement allowances. Provision for taking up semi- professional courses in defense management, option research, computer programming, etc. are also available.


Besides the most obvious implication of being called to the front in case of an outbreak of war, joining the Armed Forces means leading a tough, physically demanding and disciplined life, requiring complete loyalty and unquestioning obedience to one's superiors. 

Other pressures could come from living far away from family and friends for long periods, especially during the early years of one's career Postings to remote areas, and constant mobility due to frequent transfers.


A career in the Armed Forces means challenging work, with immense job satisfaction, honor, and a high social standing. It brings with it the opportunity to travel both within India and abroad, as well as substantial pay and perks and the enjoyment of a stylish lifestyle at a relatively young age.


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