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The Work

Jewellers create and manufacture traditional and new designs of jewellery, using gold, silver and other precious metals. They also work with precious and semi-precious gems. Gemology is a science dealing with the study of gems. 

The work done by gemologists is essentially scientific and technical, and requires highly skilled manpower in order to identify the gems, sort and grade them. 

Gemologists also offer advice on the various properties of stones and the suitability of particular stones for setting in different metals.

Major Tasks Performed

These are in the fields of manufacture, design and marketing.

The manufacture of jewellery involves the identification, testing, grinding and polishing of gems, which are then sorted and engraved. For the jewellery also, samples are made and molded in rubber moulds, and the cavities are filled with wax injections. Then the embedding and dewaxing is done and the molten metal is poured into blast furnaces, after which the final product emerges.

Various jewellery export houses employ designers to design jewellery and other accessories. Good designs in jewellery ensure greater marketing prospects, so there is great scope for employment of jewellery designers. Designers are usually attached to a company, or they may work as freelancers.

Marketing of jewellery essentially involves the selling of precious, semi-precious and costume jewellery for the domestic market, and for export. Most of the leading jewellery export houses are completely mechanized and produce high quality jewellery for export. 
However, production for the domestic market still involves the use of skilled manpower. Various public sector trading organizations, as well as some private organizations, are involved in the marketing and export of jewellery.

Areas of Specialization

The making and repair of jewellery involves several stages. These tasks are performed by specialists in the different areas of work.

Identify, test and establish the weight, form, size and other related aspects of diamonds, precious and semi-precious stones. They also identify treatments, which may have to be given in order to modify the color or appearance of the gemstones being examined.

Grind precious stones to the required shape and size with machines available for this purpose. The process of grinding involves constant checking of the stones.

Polish gems as per specifications by operating polishing wheels either manually or mechanically.

Have gained importance in this age of fibreglass. The gem sorter's task is to examine, select and remove gems and rough stones, and to cut them in required sizes. Most of the gems, such as rubies and diamonds, are taken out by sifting alluvial material, using baskets, which allow the mud to fall through, leaving gem crystals. These gems are then sorted according to shape for cutting and polishing.

Perform the task of setting jewels according to the design of the ornaments.

Must necessarily have a refined taste and an aptitude for fine work. The work involves engraving
ornamental designs or letters on jewellery, using fine chisels and hand tools. The engraver may have to draw the design on paper, and then give a shape to the ornament. Designs are usually engraved or embossed by using dyes. 
Engravers have assistants and helpers who help them perform the tasks of cleaning, engraving dyes and setting ornaments for engraving.

Grow simple crystals from water and other more complex substances. Synthetic gemstones can be
made with the same chemical composition, crystal structure and appearance as natural gems.

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