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Govt. Exams

The Work

A meteorologist studies weather conditions, forecasts the changes in weather, analyses weather maps covering large geographical areas and related charts, predicts the movements of fronts, precipitation, cloud cover, airways and flying conditions. Tremendous amount of research work is also performed by meteorologists.

Major Tasks Performed

Besides research work, various other tasks are also performed by meteorologists.


In the field of agriculture, meteorologists help the agriculturists in planning their activities. `Farmers' Weather Bulletins' are issued by the meteorological centers at various state capitals. In addition to the agrometeorological advisory services provided in Pune, agrometeorological advisory services have been launched in other states as well.

Meteorologists prepare detailed advisories, giving specific advice on what action the farmer should take. Moreover, forecast of rainfall over the entire country for the coming week is supplied by the IMD to the Agriculture Ministry, for planning.


The IMD issues weather warnings to the ships on the high seas and in ports. During undisturbed weather conditions, two bulletins are broadcast, and in disturbed weather conditions, additional bulletins upto six per day are released. In these bulletins, information about the prevailing weather conditions, visibility, wind, and the state of the sea, are included. In case of disturbed weather conditions, warnings about location, intensity and expected movement of the disturbance and associated adverse weather are highlighted.


The IMD has taken a number of steps to render specialized and effective service to fishermen. Warnings regarding adverse weather conditions are also issued by the Cyclone Warning Centers for the coastal areas through routine broadcasts on radio. There are also special provisions for educating the fishermen at the Cyclone Warning Centers.


Pilots are provided with information regarding the actual and expected weather conditions during different phases of their aircraft operations. Information regarding altimeter setting, surface wind, temperature; visibility and low clouds is also provided for purposes of landing and taking off of the flights.

Detailed forecasts are also given to pilots at the time of briefing, shortly before the expected time of departure of the flights. Latest weather information is also constantly provided by the Aviation Meteorological Offices. Moreover, sophisticated meteorological instruments for recording weather observations are available at the aerodrome meteorological offices.


Officials of the Revenue, PWD and Irrigation departments of the state government, and officials of the Post and Telegraphs are regularly warned against very heavy rain and gales, for talking necessary precautionary measures against damage to public utilities. Warnings are also issued to public sector undertakings and other government organizations during the constructional phase of their projects in cases of adverse weather conditions.


The public is usually informed about the prevailing and expected weather conditions through weather forecasts in the mass media, including newspapers, radio, television, and through daily reports published by the Meteorological Centers. The local forecasts include weather elements like temperature, cloudiness, rain and thunderstorms, covering a period of twenty-four hours.


The IMD issues statistical long-range forecasts for precipitation over India, during the monsoon and winter seasons. These forecasts are especially useful for planners, for agricultural operations, reservoir operations, and for planning for irrigation and power generation.

Areas of Specialization

The lines of specialization are not clearly drawn in meteorology, and meteorologists often work in more than one area of specialization.


Constitute the largest group of meteorologists. They are the weather forecasters. They interpret current weather information reported by observers in many parts of the world and make short and long range forecasts for given regions.


Study past records to discover weather patterns for a given region. They compile, make statistical analyses of, and interpret data on temperature, sunlight, rainfall, humidity, and wind, for a particular area over a long period of time, for use in weather forecasting, aviation agriculture, commerce and public health.


Study the physical laws related to air currents.


Study the physical nature of the atmosphere, including its chemical composition and electrical, acoustical and optical properties.


Work on such problems as smoke control and air pollution.


Provide weather bulletins for farmers, crop yield forecasts and agrometeorological advisories.

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