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In order to begin work as a physiotherapist, an individual must possess a B.Sc. degree or a diploma in physiotherapy.


Candidates who have completed 17 years of age and passed the 10+2 or equivalent examination, with physics, chemistry biology and English, are eligible to apply for courses in physiotherapy.


Various institutes in the country offer courses in physiotherapy. Of these, 18 schools of physiotherapy are recognized by the Indian Association of Physical Therapists (IAP). The duration of these courses varies from three to four months, while the B.Sc. course is also inclusive of a six-month training period (Internship).

The National Institute for Rehabilitation Training and Research in Cuttack offers a B.Sc. degree course in physiotherapy. This course is of three and a half years duration.

The National Institute in Calcutta also offers a diploma in physiotherapy, which is of three years' duration. The Institute of the Physically Handicapped, in New Delhi, also offers a three-year diploma course in physiotherapy.

For admission to all these institutes, a joint entrance exam is conducted by the Rehabilitation Council of India, based in New Delhi. The entrance tests are conducted at various centers in the country, including Allahabad, Bhubaneshwar, Mumbai, Calcutta, Dehradun, Delhi, Guwahati, Hyderabad and Madras.

The University of Madras conducts a B.Sc. degree course in physiotherapy, which is of three years' duration. Medical College, Nagpur, also offers a B.Sc. programme in physiotherapy, which is of three and a half years' duration.

Degrees in physiotherapy are also awarded at various other institutions. These include the School of Physiotherapy at SSG Hospital, Baroda; Christian Medical College, Vellore; and the National Institute for the Orthopaedically Handicapped in Calcutta.

Postgraduate level courses in physiotherapy are offered at the All India Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation in Mumbai, and at the KEM Hospital, also in Mumbai.

The Mumbai and Nagpur universities also offer Ph.D. programmes in physiotherapy.

Academic Programme

The subjects taught in the first year of the degree/diploma course include anatomy, physiology, pathology, pharmacology, etc. Practical study during this year includes the scientific know-how needed for understanding physical therapy.

During the second year, students study psychology, and the medical and surgical conditions, and subjects, related to the therapeutic application of this profession. The third year of theoretical study includes biomechanics kinesiology, disability prevention, rehabilitation and other subjects.

The students undergo practical and clinical training at various hospitals and institutions during the second and third year. During the last six months of the course, they work under the supervision of senior professionals at various hospitals and institutions.


A positive attitude, ability to instill confidence and courage in patients, strength of mind and purpose, ability for teamwork, good powers of observation, patience, understanding, a sympathetic approach towards the patients, a temperament, yet firm and persuasive.

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