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The Fire Services are an important protective service providing employment in its different allied branches. Full-time fire brigades are commissioned by the Central and state authorities. Local authorities, Post Trusts, airports, industries, plants, and major undertakings, both under the public as well as private sector, maintain full-time fire brigades. Fire stations are located in most towns and cities.


Fire and other emergency calls are received in a central control room, at the brigade headquarters of the particular city/town. The message is immediately directed from the control room to the duty man posted in the station watch room, which is then passed on to the officer in charge of the appliance crew, which leaves the station immediately, on its rescue mission. Other departments, including the police and the electricity board are also informed by the fire department, if necessary.

Major Tasks Performed


Fire fighters visit the scene of fire in their motor vehicles, equipped with fire-fighting material and water pumps. They are even authorized to demolish part of the buildings or other structures in order to clear a passage and prevent the further spread of fire. Also, during floods and other emergencies, fire fighters provide assistance in rescuing persons or animals from places, which are difficult to reach.


Officers in the higher cadres, including fire officers/sub officers and divisional officers investigate the causes of fire and arson. They also assess the intensity of fire and rescue operations and deploy men and equipment required for its control.


In addition to the fire fighting and rescue operations, the fire service also recommends fire-preventive measures for the general public. A special section, known as the Fire Preventive Section is attached to the major fire services for these purposes.

A separate Water Section ensures that the water supply is adequate at the time of fire fighting. This section also checks and ensures the proper maintenance of fire hydrants and static tanks in the city. A workshop is also attached to this service for carrying out repairs expeditiously.


All candidates applying for jobs in the fire services have to be medically fit. Candidates for the post of Sub Officer should have cleared the 10+2 examination, preferably with science subjects, and they have to be in the age group of 18-23 years. Station Officers and Divisional/Assistant Divisional. 

Officers should be less than 45 years old and they should have cleared the intermediate level examination. Fire engineers, on the other hand, should be in the age group of 18-25 years, and must necessarily possess a B.Sc. degree in physics and chemistry.


Members of the operational staff of the lower cadre are recruited and trained at the local training centers of the service. Training facilities are also available at the National Fire Service College, Nagpur. These facilities are available at various levels.

· The Sub Officers' training course is of 22+12 week's duration.
· The Station Officers' course is for 24 weeks.
· The Divisional Officers' course is of 22 weeks duration

Apart from these courses, the institute also offers a Bachelor of Engineering (BE) course in fire services, which is of three and a half years' duration.


Fire fighters are mainly employed in the government fire services, as well as with local authorities, Port Trusts, airports and industrial plants as well as major undertakings in the public and private sector.

Sub Officers in the fire services are recruited directly, and after three years of experience; they are promoted to the rank of Station Officers. After three years of working experience, Station Officers are promoted to the rank of Divisional/Assistant Divisional Officers.


A good physique, courage, tact, a cool temperament, good judgment, alertness in observation, loyalty, sincerity, devotion, a strong sense of discipline.


Long and irregular hours of work, postings in remote areas, and in certain professions, risk to life.


These professions give a sense of satisfaction at having served the nation and its people, and therefore provide a tremendous amount of job satisfaction. Various material benefits are also provided to the officials in these services.


Paramilitary services, other protective services, defense services.


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