Candidates with postgraduate qualifications in biotechnology are employed in leading pharmaceutical companies, in chemical industries, as well as agriculture and allied
Biotechnologists are also employed in the areas of planning, production and management of bioprocessing industries, organic chemical industries, and in pollution control activities of the major industries. Moreover, they are employed on a large scale in research laboratories run by the government as well as the corporate sector.
The Bio Tech Consortium of India (BCIC) formed to pioneer and coordinate research in this field has thirty R&D institutes linked to it and provides technical and marketing information to its clients.
A high level of intelligence, ability to concentrate for long hours, an inquisitive mind, determination, perseverance, ability for team work, imagination, innovative attitude, originality, a systematic and methodical approach, with attention to minor details, objectivity, practicality, resourcefulness.
Biotechnology is a rapidly growing subject, with frequent advances being made through research and development. In the face of increased industrialization, India is a virgin field for biotechnological advancement, and the second fastest growing employment sector after multimedia. It already accounts for an international turnover of Rs 890 crore and, according to current projections, is expected to expand to Rs 3,500 crore by the turn of the century.
Many Indian business houses and multinationals are showing keen interest in diversifying into this sunrise industry. Therefore, it offers good career opportunities for young people.
Engineering, biochemistry, microbiology, genetic engineering