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 Food Processing
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The Work

The work performed in the food processing industry involves the practical application of the principles of chemistry, physics, biology, microbiology, biotechnology, engineering, and other disciplines of science, for the preservation, processing and handling of food materials. Thus food technologists, chemists, biotechnologists, technicians and engineers are generally involved in this industry. 

The method of processing varies for each commodity. Essentially this involves preparation of the raw material for processing, the actual processing which could be chopping, mixing, or even cooking of the food item, the addition of preservatives, and the final packaging. At all stages there is need for hygiene and high quality. 

Some processing procedures such as canning of fruits and vegetables involve the manual preparation of fruits and vegetables, followed by balancing and cooking, after which they are filled in cans and covered with brine (salt solution) or sugar syrup, as the case may be. Then they are sterilized in boiling water and cooled in tanks, after which the commodities are labelled and packed. 

For squash processing, the fruits to be converted into squashes are sorted and washed, after which the juice is removed through juice extractors/pulpers/hydraulic press. Thereafter, preservatives, sugar, water and citric acid are added proportionately and the product is filled in bottles, labelled and packed. 

For fruit jams and tomato ketchup, separate methods for processing are involved. 

The manufacturing process for fruit juice requires selection and preparation of fruits, after which fruits are washed, crushed in the fruit mill and extracted by means of the hydraulic press. This is followed by the processes of blending and pasteurization. Thereafter, the juice is filled in sterilized bottles, which are then sealed. After cooling, the bottles are labelled and packed. 

Meat and dairy products require careful and efficient handling, as they are quickly perishable. 

Major Tasks Performed

The major tasks in the food processing industry fall broadly into two main areas: the Production department and the Quality Control department. 

In the production department, the work involves supervision of the production of processed foods. It also involves devising new techniques for processing, conservation and preservation of foodstuffs, as also the evaluation of their nutritional value. 

The quality control department, on the other hand, is responsible for the isolation, identification and characterization of food material. The work here is performed by chemists and food technologists.


The production work is usually assigned to a food technologist, who is the key executive in any food processing industry and formulates each and every batch of raw materials received. Food technologists ensure that the product is processed in accordance with the given specifications. 

They also help devise new and improved techniques for the processing, conservation and preservation of foodstuff. This involves the examination of foodstuff, checking for contamination and adulteration, and controlling the nutritional value of food. 

Food technologists can specialize in any of the fields of food processing, such as sugar, alcohol, bakery, dairy, oil, fruits and vegetables, and the like.

Quality Control

The work in this area is assigned to a chemist/food technologist, who examines all the raw material and every input received in the plant. The work also involves looking after on-line quality control, regular examination of the product procured and the product dispatched. 

The food technologist also undertakes storage studies on the product being sent to the market and ensures that proper hygienic conditions are maintained in the processing plant. New methods are also devised in order to improve the quality of the foodstuff, through preservation and packaging.


With specialization in food and nutrition, and dietetics, work for manufacturing companies or food
companies. Their work involves testing products and recipes prepared according to directions on containers.


Render expert advice on how raw materials may be processed into food.


Study the changes that occur in raw materials during food processing. Based on their observations, they suggest improvements in flavor, texture, storage and quality.


Analyze the food products for adherence to quality regulations. Engineers from various disciplines are also employed in the food processing industry. Chemical engineers, mechanical engineers, industrial engineers, electrical engineers, agricultural engineers and civil engineers can gain employment here. 

Directly concerned with production, they are involved in planning, designing, improving and maintaining the processing systems for accomplishing a variety of activities and services.

Research and Development

The services of scientists are required in the food processing industry, for research and development purposes. They also conduct various experiments to help improve the yields, appearance, flavor, nutritive value and general acceptability of packaged foods.

Administrative Tasks

The general supervision, administrative and financial work of an organization is handled by managers and accountants. There are other managers to look after sales, promotion, marketing and general running of the organization.

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