Apart from employment in the Ministry of Environment and Forests, and other forest departments of the government, foresters and forestry experts are offered employment in government sponsored projects related to forestry, ecology and the environment. Forestry research institutes also offer
opportunities for research in forestry.
The Ministry of Environment and Forests provides employment in various departments including Environment and Ecology, Botanical Survey of India and the Botanical Gardens, the Zoological Survey of India, National Museum of Natural History, Biosphere Reserve programmes, Wildlife Preservation departments, Wildlife projects, Central Ganges Authority, the National Wasteland Development boards, and the Indian Forest Service.
Indian Forest Service officials are offered the positions of Forest Officers Conservators of Forests, Chief Conservators, Principal Chief Conservators and Inspector Generals, and as the Secretary General to the government of India at the Central level.
The State Forest Service officials are appointed as Assistant Conservators of Forests, Foresters, Forest Guards and Forest Fire Watchers. Range level officers are employed as Forest Rangers. Foresters are also employed at managerial positions in timber and plywood companies, consultancy services, development agencies, research industries and other private companies.
They can also work in non-governmental organizations and international organizations including the Food and 'Agriculture Organization (FAO), and in overseas development administration.
Employment opportunities are also available for scientists in the areas of applied research, and as teachers for education and training in the forest sector.
Environmental science, agriculture, geography, wildlife biology.