The work done by psychiatrists involves the diagnosis of the patient's problems, which is followed by treatment, which could take the form of medication, counseling, psychotherapy or electrotherapy. Often, psychiatrists conduct counseling sessions, not only with the patients, but also with their families.
Psychiatrists also work with occupational therapists and social workers for the rehabilitation of their patients, helping them to resume their normal activities. They also conduct behavior therapies not only through the use of medicines, but also by using various techniques for desensitizing the patient. These include the techniques of hypnosis and abreaction.
Highly suicidal patients are treated by means of Electric Convulsive Therapy, or ECT, and through tranquilizers, when counseling and psychotherapy does not work.
Major Tasks Performed
The work done by psychiatrists is very wide in its area of application. The major tasks can be classified into the following categories.
Psychiatrists offer counseling for a variety of patients. They give advice to patients suffering from various kinds of fears, anxieties, phobias and obsessions. They also help in the treatment of conditions of extreme anxiety and acute panic. They prescribe medicines for their treatment, including a large number of anti-depressant drugs Psychiatrists also work for the rehabilitation of their patients and their acceptance in society.
Psychiatrists make use of techniques such as hypnosis and abreaction for the treatment of their patients Counseling is also effective for curing the suicidal and destructive tendencies of certain patients.
Psychiatrists often work in institutions and industries for the rehabilitation of the mentally ill. For this they often work in collaboration with occupational therapists and social workers. Together, they ensure the acceptance of the patients in those organizations where they had been working prior to their illness, or they help the patients in finding alternative methods of employment.
Psychiatrists are often required. to work in the courts and prisons where they are required to deal with person's sueing for divorce and other such matters. They provide counseling for people having marital and other problems, and problems, which may have led certain people to become criminals. Psychiatrists are also very often required to testify with regard to prisoners and criminals.
Certain psychiatrists specialize in the problems of children. They deal with juvenile delinquents and also work in children's' rehabilitation centers. They also help in the treatment of children suffering from specific fears, anxieties and phobias.
Psychiatrists can opt for teaching in medical colleges and psychiatric institutions. Research is also done on human psychological conditions and the usefulness of various methods of treatment.